Category: Photos

Integrated rice-fish culture in Nepal

Credit: Deepak Bhusal (Nepal) Rice-fish culture contributes significantly to fish production in Nepal and provides fish especially to rural communitities. In Nepal Indigenous fish species such as snake head, Puntius sp, Heteropneustes fossilis are found in significant quantities in flooded rice fields. There is a governmental program managed by Fisheries Development Directorate which supports rice-fish integrated system that provides technical as …

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Fish culture in marshy and swampy lands in Nepal

Credit: Deepak Bhusal (Nepal): The photo shows swampy land which is managed and used for aquaculture in the central region of Nepal. In background fishermen are harvesting the fish. The management of this practice is done as licensed under community control and ownership. Community stocks and harvests the fish and hence others are not allowed to …

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Shrimp farming in square earthen ponds with aeration designed to create whirpool effect (Peru) – in Spanish

Credit: Victor Hugo Juarez Pena (Peru) Estanque para el cultivo de camarones de forma cuadrada con aireación para causar “efecto remolino” en el agua Note: We decided not to watermark the photos in order not to upset its clarity. However, we trust you will notify us if you wish to use a picture or more. …

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Cage farming of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in Lake Titicaca (Peru)- in Spanish

Credit: Victor Hugo Juarez Pena (Peru) Cultivo de trucha (Oncorhynchus mykiss) en jaulas flotante en el lago Titicaca, Puno, Perú. Note: We decided not to watermark the photos in order not to upset its clarity. However, we trust you will notify us if you wish to use a picture or more. This is expected and …

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A small fish pond in Chad (in French)

Credit: Abdallah Younous Adoum (Chad) La réalisation de la pisciculture familiale est pratiquée depuis la nuit de temps par la population. Mais elle reste toujours à l’état rudimentaire par manque d’investissement dans ce domaine. Car la population et les investisseurs pensent que les ressources qui existent dans les différents Lac à travers le pays ne …

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Development of traditional fishing in Lake Chad (in French)

Credit: Abdallah Younous Adoum (Chad) La passion de la population tchadienne qui vive au niveau des différentes rives est la pêche. En dehors de la passion cette activité participé  à l’amélioration de la qualité de vie par une nourriture de qualité et un revenu acceptable. Note: We decided not to watermark the photos in order …

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Fishing, drying and trade of anchovies in the Sultanate of Oman – In Arabic

Credit: Hussein Ali Mohammed Alshihi (Oman) توضح أحدى الصور مجموعة من الصيادين فى موسم البرية (الأنشوجه) والتى يتم اصطيادها فى البحر ومن ثم يتم جرها للقرب من الشاطئ باستخدام الشباك الخيشومية المخصصة لها حيث يتم جمعها من الشباك بالسلال حيث يتم فرشها على الأرض وتعريضها للشمس حتى تجف وتباع كأسماك مجففة حيث يباع  الكيس الواحد …

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Fish catch on a fishing boat in Khasab fishing port (Sultanate of Oman) In Arabic

Credit: Hussein Ali Mohammed Alshihi (Oman): هذه الصورة لأحد الصيادين فى ميناء الصيد فى ولاية خصب فى قارب الصيد المصنوع من الفيبر جلاس والمزود بمحركين قوة كل منهما 75 حصان. الأسماك الموضحة هى لأسماك الباراكودا والمسماه محليا (القد). يعرض الصياد  أسماكه للبيع والتى غالبا ما يتم تصديرها إلى دبى Note: We decided not to watermark …

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Greenhouse facilities for shrimp, Liptopenaeus vannamei, farming in Peru – in Spanish

Credit: Victor Hugo Juarez Pena (Peru) Estanque tipo invernadero para el cultivo de camarones (Liptopenaeus vannamei) de una hectárea de tamaño y con el fondo del estanque revestido con plástico de alta densidad. Llevadas a cabo por una empresa comercial de camarón a gran escala de la acuicultura de acuerdo a la resolución de dirección. …

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Artisanal fishing boat (Dunga) in Nepal

Credit:Deepak Bhusal (Nepal) The photo shows a fisherman with his boat and net. He is carrying traditional types of basket which is used for keeping the captured fish in. Common species captured are Nakata (Garra gotyla), Buduna (Garra annandalei), Kabre (Glyptothoraz sp.), Faketa (Barilius sp.), and Chepwa (Aspidosporar morar). Fish catch ranges from 0.5 to …

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