Tag: tchad

Aquaculture development in Chad

Photo credit: Aliadoumadji Rimadoum (Chad) Review: Abdel Rahman El Gamal (Founder of the website)   The introduction of fish farming in Chad dates back to the 1970s. Since then, several types of farming have been introduced and tested whereas some positive results have been achieved in earthen pond systems especially when the cost of fish …

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Co-management of shared fishery resources between Chad and Cameroon

Photos credit: Aliadoumadji Rimadoum (Chad) Review: Aliadoumadji Rimadoum and Abdel Rahman El Gamal (Founder of the website) The inserted pictures are taken in a temporary protection zone located in Bermoussa whereas the co-management of fishery resource in this zone enables rational management of fishery resources as well as leads to enhances the productivity of the …

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Display of smoked-dried fish in Chad

Photos’ credit: Photos credit: Aliadoumadji Rimadoum (Chad) Review: Abdel Rahman El Gamal (Founder of the website)   The inserted pictures show the display of smoked/sun-dried fish in Chad in which fish are split in halves, gutted and hanged vertically.   According to published surveys on the state of fish processing, about 20% of fish caught in …

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Women training on small-scale fish processing in Chad

Photos credit: Aliadoumadji Rimadoum (Chad) Review: Aliadoumadji Rimadoum and Abdel Rahman El Gamal (Founder of the website)       The photos show a group of women during a practical demonstration on fish processing during which the importance of the high quality of raw materials (fish) to begin with was highlighted. The demonstration addressed the …

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Permanent link to this article: https://fishconsult.org/?p=13310

Spirulina processing and Dihe consumption in Chad

Photos’ credit: Aliadoumadji Rimadoum (Chad) Review: Aliadoumadji Rimadoum and Abdel Rahman El Gamal (Founder of the website)     Spirulina collection and utilization have a long history in Chad and go back as the 9th century Kanem Empire. In order to produce the “dihé”, the Kanembu women being in charge of the collection of spirulina …

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Permanent link to this article: https://fishconsult.org/?p=13087

Traditional fish smoking in Chad

Photos’ credit: Aliadoumadji Rimadoum (Chad) Review: Aliadoumadji Rimadoum and Abdel Rahman El Gamal (Founder of the website)       The processing of fish catch from Lake Chad is done by three main methods whereas smoking is one of the oldest and most common methods used. Traditionally, smoking kiln is being in use (shown in the …

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Permanent link to this article: https://fishconsult.org/?p=13055

Collection of Spirulina and production of dihé in Chad

Photo credit: Aliadoumadji Rimadoum (Chad) Review: Aliadoumadji Rimadoum and Abdel Rahman El Gamal (Founder of the website)         The inserted picture is for a woman while collecting Spirulina platensis in the brackish waters of the regions of Kanem and Lake Chad. The collection of spirulina is In Chad Dihé is customarily harvested by women from …

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A small fish pond in Chad (in French)

Credit: Abdallah Younous Adoum (Chad) La réalisation de la pisciculture familiale est pratiquée depuis la nuit de temps par la population. Mais elle reste toujours à l’état rudimentaire par manque d’investissement dans ce domaine. Car la population et les investisseurs pensent que les ressources qui existent dans les différents Lac à travers le pays ne …

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