Category: Tilapia

Sexual maturation, embryonic development, hatchery technologies, all-male production, over-wintering, farming systems whether in monoculture, polyculture or integration. The farming facilities are covered including earthen ponds and cages. Because Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) is widely cultured worldwide, large number of posts addressed this species. However, other tilapia species are also addressed. The reproduction and seed production of tilapia are covered including sexual maturation, embryonic development, hatchery technologies, all-male production of tilapia fry are all covered. This category includes also some posts on the post-harvest practices.

Development of communal aquaculture in Malawi

Credit: Carolyn Madalo Chinguo  (Malawi)         The inserted picture shows persons carrying live fingerlings in plastic bags. The oxygen added would ensure a safe arrival of transported fish until reaching the fish ponds. The persons belong to the communities that received free fingerlings for their communal fish ponds and they were rushing to …

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Intergated riz-poisson au Sénégal (in French)

Credit: Makhtar Ndiaye (Senegal)       Un producteur privé associant la production de riz  à l’élevage de tilapia des eaux douces à Richard-Toll  dans la région de Saint-Louis /Sénégal. Rizipisciculture est une pratique pas trop fréquente dans cette zone, mais avec une bonne vulgarisation elle pourra prendre un envol, pour vu que les ressources …

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Cage culture of tilapia in Lao PDR

                Photo credit: MK19 – Fisheries and Aquaculture Production in Reservoirs in Lao PDR Review: Abdel Rahman El Gamal (Founder of the website)   Tilapia is among the few species farmed in cages in Laos. In the present, there are already large-scale cage farms with relatively considerable investment which are …

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Culture of red tilapia in cages and ponds in Colombia- Video

Video credit: Ana Maria Melendez (Colombia) Review: Abdel Rahman El Gamal (Founder of the video channel and website) This 7-min video focuses mainly on red tilapia culture in ponds and cages. A sample of pond preparation such as liming is shown in the video that also includes feeding and sampling. A quick stop at a …

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Hormonal sex reversal of tilapia fry (practice and contradicting opinions) – Video

After a short introduction of tilapia in aquaculture, this 17-min video focuses on the production of all-male tilapia through the sex reversal practices using male hormone. The logic sequence of the sex reversal process has been maintained to large extent starting by the sexual differentiation in tilapia then determining the appropriate age and/size for successful …

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Production of all-male tilapia through hybridization – Video

Author: Abdel Rahman El Gamal (Founder of the website and video channel) This 8-min presentation addresses one specific topic which is the use of hybridization in the production of all-male tilapia fingerlings. The presentation highlighted to role of tilapia in global aquaculture as well as the necessity of producing all-male tilapia. Hybridization among tilapia species …

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A model of vertical aquaponics in Colombia

Credit for photos: Edwin Gomez (Colombia) Review: Edwin Gomez and Abdel Rahman El Gamal (Founder of the website)   It has been claimed that by growing vertically (shown in the photos), one can produce about twice the amount of plants compared to a hydroponic system of the same area. As in typical aquaponic projects, the …

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Field day and promoting tilapia culture in Pakistan

Credit: Muhammad Shahid Iqbal (Tawakkal)- Pakistan This is an annual event which is carried out at an aquaculture facility located in Muzaffar, Pakistan. This particular event took place on the 6th of November 2013.  About 100 fish farmers from southern Punjab attended this event. The field day targeted to promote aquaculture and in particular tilapia culture …

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Production of all-male Nile tilapia fry in a commercial facility in Pakistan

Credit: Muhammad Shahid Iqbal (Tawakkal)- Pakistan The masculinization of the fry of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) –as shown in the photo- is done in 5m2-hapas placed in earthen ponds. In order to judge the age of fry, only fry hatched from collected eggs are used in the sex-reversal process in which the male hormone 17 …

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Promoting cage aquaculture in Lake Victoria (Uganda)

Credit: Stella Nabayunga Walugembe (Uganda) Early in 2012, a joint Uganda – China 3-year pilot project on cage farming in Lake Victoria has launched. The fish cage demonstration shown in the inserted picture is located in Lake Victoria, Jinja and is affiliated and managed by The National Fisheries Resources Research Institute (NaFIRRI). The management of …

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