Category: Tilapia

Sexual maturation, embryonic development, hatchery technologies, all-male production, over-wintering, farming systems whether in monoculture, polyculture or integration. The farming facilities are covered including earthen ponds and cages. Because Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) is widely cultured worldwide, large number of posts addressed this species. However, other tilapia species are also addressed. The reproduction and seed production of tilapia are covered including sexual maturation, embryonic development, hatchery technologies, all-male production of tilapia fry are all covered. This category includes also some posts on the post-harvest practices.

Integrating livestock into fish farming in Cameroon

  Photo credit: Fabrice Juliot Mougang (Cameroon) Review: Fabrice Juliot Mougang and Abdel Rahman El Gamal (Founder of the website)       These photo were taken in a fish farm in Ebolowa (the capital of Cameroon’s South Region) show a type of livestock integration into fish farming. The pictures show a piggery constructed over the pond which …

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Promoting cage culture of tilapia in Cameroon

Photos’ credit: Domwa Mathieu (Cameroon) Review: Domwa Mathieu and Abdel Rahman El Gamal (Founder of the website)       These photos were taken in Mbalmayo in Cameroon’s Centre Province. The pictures show the assembly and installation of two cages on Nyong River for the culture of tilapia as a part of a pilot project …

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Cage culture of tilapia in Lake Kivu (Rwanda)

This project document has been developed by a group of trainees who participated during 2015 in the “Fish Culture Development – Africa training course” which is annually hosted by the Egyptian International Centre for Agriculture (EICA) in partnership with Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). The proposed location of this project is Lake Kive , Rwanda. …

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Cage aquaculture of tilapia in Zambia

Photos’ credit: Alick Grunnie Mbewe (Zambia) Review: Alick Grunnie Mbewe  and Abdel Rahman El Gamal (Founder of the website)         The inserted photos show Cage fish farming in Lumwana Dam in Solwezi District. This consists of 12 cages measuring 12 m X8 m X2 m deep. The promotion of tilapia cage aquaculture …

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Green tilapia (Tilapia zillii) in the catch of lake Qarun, Egypt

    Lake Qarun (21,800 ha) in Fayoum, Egypt is a closed system which originated from a fresh water lake called Mories. After the disconnection of Nile water reaching the lake, the agricultural drainage water of Fayoum province became the only source of water feeding the lake. Consequently, and due to the extensive evaporation, the …

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Lake harvest of tilapia in Samoa Islands

Photo credit: Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC) Review: Abdel Rahman El Gamal (Founder of the website)       Samoa consists of two large islands, Upolu and Savaii, and seven smaller islands with 326 villages; out of which, about 230 of these villages are coastal. There are few freshwater bodies. Over time, several exotic …

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Cage culture of tilapia in River Nile in Egypt – Video

This video was filmed during October 2014 in the River Nile, Damietta region. Video credit: Willy Oviedo (Uruguay)       Typically, freshwater cages in Egypt has a surface area of 100m2 (10×10 m) with a depth of about 5 meters. Cage farmers gained enough experience in cage construction and management. The floats used in …

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Sexing tilapia based on genital papilla (Video)

This video shows the genital papilla in both sexes of large specimens of tilapia. The close view shows that in males the genital papilla has only one opening (the urinary pore of the ureter) through which both milt and urine pass while in females the eggs exit through a separate oviduct and only urine passes …

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Display of farmed tilapia in a fish market in Lao PDR

Photo credit: Randall Bevis ( Review: Randall Bevis and Abdel Rahman El Gamal (Founder of the website)   This photo was taken in Luang Nam Tha Province where some tilapia ponds exist and provide their harvest to local markets such as this one. The people in the rural communities in Laos account for more than …

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Développement de l’aquaculture à Richard-Toll (Senegal)- in French

Credit : Makhtar Ndiaye (Senegal)       Dans le cadre du programme de relance des activités aquacoles, de sécurité alimentaire et de création d’emplois, mis en œuvre par la Direction Nationale de l’Aquaculture dans notre pays, un pisciculteur privé basé à Richard-Toll, a pu récolter plus de 2 tonnes de tilapia (espèces de poisson d’eau douce …

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