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Centro Nacional De Investigacion Piscicola El Carao (Honduras) – in Spanish

Credit: Carolina Cardona (Honduras) En Honduras funciona el Centro Nacional de Investigación Piscícola El Carao, el cual se encuentra ubicado en el Departamento de Comayagua. Dicho centro se encuentra bajo el manejo de Secretaria  de Agricultura y Ganadería (SAG) a través de la  Dirección General de Pesca y Acuicultura (DIGEPESCA), este es un centro piscícola demostrativo, …

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Cultura de guapote tigre (Parachromis managuensis) en Panamá – in Spanish

Credit: Rosa Libia Bellido (Panama) Es originario del norte de la República de Costa Rica y el Lago de la República de Nicaragua. Características de las especies en relación con la acuicultura: Carnívoro (predador); Se reproduce fácilmente y en forma natural en el estanque; Resistente al manejo y enfermedades; Es muy prolífico pero depreda sus propias crías & Se usa …

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l’holothuriculture à Madagascar (in French)

Credit: Vero Rahantarimalala and Lanto Henriette Razafintsalama (Madagascar) Technique d’élevage: Reproduction artificielle et élevage larvaire en écloserie Pré-grossissement en bassins Grossissement en milieux naturels en enclos Pratiquée sur les côtes Sud-Ouest de Madagascar Une photo montre la écloserie que la deuxième photo montre l’holothurie de sable (Holothuria scabra) qui est une espèce clé holothuries. Note: …

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Egg incubation and embryonic development of black catfish, Rhamdia quelen – Uruguay (in Spanish)

Credit: Claudia Turra (Uruguay) Foto 1: Huevos en incubación de Bagre Negro. Foto 2: Vista microscópica de Alevinos de Bagre Negro en sus primeras etapas de formación. Foto 3: Vista microscópica de Alevinos de Bagre Negro. Note: We decided not to watermark the photos in order not to upset its clarity. However, we trust you will notify us if you …

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Mariculture development in Gazi Bay, Kenya

Credit: Caroline Wanjiru (Kenya) This document addresses the development of mariculture Gazi Bay, Kenya. The description of the project location is addressed as well as the rationality of the project from social and ecological dimensions. The photos describe the various phases of the project starting by the site selection and ending by the completion of fish …

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Women training on fish salting and sun-drying in Sao Tome (Video)

Credit: Gabriel de Labra (Spain) This video which was donated to the site by its copyright holder was taken during a training session that was designed for women in a fishing community in Sao Tome. The video begins with fishermen and their landed fishing. The scene till the end of the video was led by …

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Spawning and nursing of sea cucumber Holothuria scabra (sandfish) in Vietnam

Credit: Rayner Pitt (United Kingdom) This file addresses the spawning and nursing of sand fish (Holothuria scabra). Technical components begin with the acquision of sea cucumber broodstock and spawning as well as the facilities required. The management of spawning and nursing operations are covered especially in regard to water management and feeding throughout all phases …

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Icing and transporting whiteleg shrimp to the market in Thailand

Credit:Wanna Thawinwan (Thailand) According to a prior agreement, the trader goes to the shrimp farm early in the morning to finalize the purchasing of shrimp and to prepare as well as to transport the shrimp. Icing and transporting the shrimp is the responsibility of the trader.  The preparation includes size grading according  to  the marketing …

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Harvesting and sorting of whiteleg shrimp, Liptopenaeus vannamei (Thailand)

Credit: Wanna Thawinwan (Thailand) The growing season lasts 80-90 days whereas shrimp is expected to reach the market size (80-100 pieces/kg). A recent market survey reveals that the market price of average shrimp is about 4 USD/kg. (price in August 2012). The two photos show the hand-sorting of harvested shrimp as well as a batch …

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Tuna meat display in “La Boquera” market, Barcelona – Spain (color and flavor)

Credit: Gabriel Salvo Parra (Chile)                                                           Description: Abdel Rahman El Gamal The swimming nature of tunas influences the color and flavor of tuna meat. The red coloration derives …

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