Category: Tuna

This category includes all tuna species whether in cages, in markets and in processing

Fish aggregating devices and tuna fishery in Mauritus

Credit: Emrith Vinesh (Mauritius) This structure shown in the photo which was introduced in 1985 is known as a Fish Aggregating Device. Fish aggregating devices (FADs) are floating objects that are specifically designed and located to attract tunas, and therefore allow fishers to find them more easily.  The aim is to relocate the artisanal fishermen from …

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Tuna meat display in “La Boquera” market, Barcelona – Spain (color and flavor)

Credit: Gabriel Salvo Parra (Chile)                                                           Description: Abdel Rahman El Gamal The swimming nature of tunas influences the color and flavor of tuna meat. The red coloration derives …

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Salted tuna in the Sultanate of Oman (in Arabic)

Credit: Hussein Ali Mohammed Alshihi (Oman) تشير الصورة إلى براميل تحتوى على أسماك التونة المملحة. عندما يزداد مزيد التونة وتنخفض أسعارها فإن الصيادون يلجأون لتمليحها وبيعها كأسماك مملحة حيث يصل سعر البرميل إلى حوالى ثلاثون أو أربعون دولار Note: We decided not to watermark the photos in order not to upset its clarity. However, we …

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