Tag: grass carp

Hatchery produced seeds of common carp and grass carp in Mexico

Credit: Gerardo Ontiveros Lopez (Mexico) This photo shows the transportation of fingerlings of common carp, Cyprinus carpio and grass carp, Ctenopharyngodon idella from a hatchery to a grow-out fish farm in Mexico.

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Small-scale subsidized aquaculture projects under the “Development of Aquaculture 1000-pond Scheme” in India

Credit: Nantinora Kharbuli (India) The photos show private aquaculture projects assisted financially by the Department under the Scheme “Development of Aquaculture 1000 pond“  in which the beneficiaries received 75% subsidy and 25%  Bankable loan. It is a back ended subsidy scheme .The farmers are provided with inputs like fish seeds, feeds, equipment, medicines etc. by the …

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Distribution of subsidized fish seeds (India)

Credit: Nantinora Kharbuli (India) This photo shows the distribution of subsidized fish seeds under the Scheme- Marketing and Transport of Fish and Fish Seeds in which the farmers are paying 50%  of the actual costs of fish seeds. The Government has formulated the scheme in order to popularize fish culture in the state and to further …

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The introduction of Anchor worm (Lernaea sp.) accompanying introduced common carp (Cyprinus carpio) into Egypt

Anchor worm (Lernaea sp.) is an example of introduced parasites which accompany exotic fish species. In Egypt, Larnaea was not known before the introduction of the broodstock of common carp (Cyprinus carpio). Afterwards, Chines carps (silver carp, bighead carp and grass carp) good also infected. Hatcheries which keep carp broodstock usually carry out the appropriate …

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Harvesting and sexing of grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella) broodstock (Egypt) – Video

This video presents the harvesting and sexing grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella) broodstock prior to the artificial spawning of grass carp. Since mid 1990s, the use of herbicides in the River Nile and irrigation canals has been banned in Egypt. Instead, grass carp has been used as the biological control agent for aquatic plants. This video …

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Fish cages in Phewa Lake (Nepal)

Credit: Deepak Bhusal (Nepal) Cage culture in Phewa lake was started in 1972 with the technical assistance from Japanese Volunteers to protect the common carp broods when water level in the fish ponds in the Fisheries Research Center dropped. In the present, fish species cultured in these cages are grass, silver and bighead carps. Cage …

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Fish culture in marshy and swampy lands in Nepal

Credit: Deepak Bhusal (Nepal): The photo shows swampy land which is managed and used for aquaculture in the central region of Nepal. In background fishermen are harvesting the fish. The management of this practice is done as licensed under community control and ownership. Community stocks and harvests the fish and hence others are not allowed to …

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