Tag: Sudan

Fish trade and processing in the fishing camp along Roseires Reservoir, Sudan

Credit: Mamoun Obeida (Sudan) The photo shows a fishing camp on the premise of Blue Nile River (Roseires Reservoir).  In fishing camp, fishermen collect their fish and sell it as fresh fish to the traders. Fishermen also process other fish species especially African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) into dried fish; the latter is used in the …

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Introduction of several fish species in ER Rahad reservoir (Sudan)

Credit: Mamoun Obeida (Sudan) During September to November, 2010 new fish species were introduced in ER Rahad reservoir (a town in North Kurdufan Province in central Sudan). The introduced fish species included Nile perch, Lates niloticus (Family: Centnopomida), Bagrus bajad, Bagrus docmak (Family: Bagridae) and African catfish, Clarias gariepinus (Family: Clariidae). This project was funded …

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Desert aquaculture in Fouja village, North Kordofan (Sudan) – Pond management

Credit: Mamoun Obeida (Sudan) The photos show series of the management practices applied to the fish pond in the desert area in Fouja village, Bara Locality- North Kordofan State. As shown in the photos, the pond has been filled with underground water before the stocking of Nile tilapia fingerlings. Throughout the growing season, fish are …

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Desert aquaculture in Fouja village, North Kordofan (Sudan) – Pond establishment

Credit: Mamoun Obeida (Sudan) The photos show the establishment of a fish pond in Fouja village, Bara Locality- North Kordofan State. This project represents a part of the Environmental Change Programme and is carried out by Fisheries Department (North Kordofan State). The underground water is the only source of water for this pond which is …

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Use of locally-made feeding facilities in an African catfish farm in Sudan

Credit: Elsadig Arbab (Sudan) The three photos show the locally-made feeding facilities used in an African catfish farm in Sudan. The facilities include a feed manufacturing unit capable to produce 1 ton of feed/day and demand feeders of 30 kg/each capacity. The third photo shows the produced feed. The total area of this farm is 31,500 …

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Culture of African catfish, Clarias garipinus in Sudan

Credit: Elsadig Arbab (Sudan) The two photos show the culture of African catfish, Clarias garipinus that represents the main cultured species in a fish farm in Sudan. The stocking rate of fingerlings is 7 pieces/m2 whereas fingerlings are either collected from the wild or from hatchery-produced fry through induced breeding. The average initial weight upon stocking …

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Fish-pass on the Jebel Aulia dam in Sudan – Historic information (1946)

Sources: E.B. Worthington, Middle East Science, 1946. Publisher: London: His Majesty’s Stationery Office Caption of the photo: Fish-pass on the Jebel Aulia dam in Sudan. Above the dam a shallow lake extends to 340,000 acres for six months in each year. It offers a big opportunity for fishery development. The following paragraph is cited from …

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