Category: Photos

Sea cucumber – Storage of sand fish (Holothuria scabra) broodstock

Credit: Rayner Pitt (United Kingdom) Sand fish (Holothuria scabra) Broodstock storage in sea pens and cages, in lobster farming area (2001). Note: We decided not to watermark the photos in order not to upset its clarity. However, we trust you will notify us if you wish to use a picture or more. This is expected …

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Sea cucumber – nursery of sand fish (Holothuria scabra)

Credit: Rayner Pitt (United Kingdom) Sorting small batches of sandfish (Holothuria scabra) juveniles for nursery rearing experiments in outdoor tanks (2002). Note: We decided not to watermark the photos in order not to upset its clarity. However, we trust you will notify us if you wish to use a picture or more. This is expected …

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Sea cucumber – Breeding of sand fish (Holothuria scabra)

Credit: Rayner Pitt (United Kingdom): Wild-caught sandfish stored and on-grown in a farmer’s pond before being used for breeding experiments (2000). Note: We decided not to watermark the photos in order not to upset its clarity. However, we trust you will notify us if you wish to use a picture or more. This is expected …

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Fish cages in Phewa Lake (Nepal)

Credit: Deepak Bhusal (Nepal) Cage culture in Phewa lake was started in 1972 with the technical assistance from Japanese Volunteers to protect the common carp broods when water level in the fish ponds in the Fisheries Research Center dropped. In the present, fish species cultured in these cages are grass, silver and bighead carps. Cage …

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Merluza Austral and Sardine fishing boats (Chile)

Credit: Gabriel Salvo Parra (Chile) These fishing boats shown in the photos are for fisheries of Merluza Austral (Merluccius australis) or sardina (Sprattus fuegensis). Note: We decided not to watermark the photos in order not to upset its clarity. However, we trust you will notify us if you wish to use a picture or more. …

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Sun-drying of seaweed (Chile)

Credit: Gabriel Salvo Parra (Chile) Seaweed is used to produce agar agar. The fisherman dries this seaweed in the sun and afterwards sells it in dry form. This region is a major location for seaweed collection and processing. Note: We decided not to watermark the photos in order not to upset its clarity. However, we …

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Inshore fisheries in Andaman Sea, Thaninthari Division, (Myanmar)

Credit: Zawzaw Htwe (Myanmar) Inshore Fishery in Myanmar is carried out in the area five – ten nautical miles away from shore depending on the fishing zones. Fishing is done by gill nets, drift nets, long line, and traps using fishing boats according to a licenses given by the Department of Fishery. Fishing boats are …

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Salted tuna in the Sultanate of Oman (in Arabic)

Credit: Hussein Ali Mohammed Alshihi (Oman) تشير الصورة إلى براميل تحتوى على أسماك التونة المملحة. عندما يزداد مزيد التونة وتنخفض أسعارها فإن الصيادون يلجأون لتمليحها وبيعها كأسماك مملحة حيث يصل سعر البرميل إلى حوالى ثلاثون أو أربعون دولار Note: We decided not to watermark the photos in order not to upset its clarity. However, we …

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Aquaculture extension activities in Angola (in Spanish)

Credit: Fredy Konda (Angola) Actividade rutinaria, realizada en la comunidade piscicola en el municipio de Luau, provincia de moxico, com objectivo de prestar assistencia tecnica la los piscicultores Note: We decided not to watermark the photos in order not to upset its clarity. However, we trust you will notify us if you wish to use a …

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Construction of a fish pond in Angola (in Spanish)

Credit: Fredy Konda (Angola) Construccion de estanques de engorda, em el proyecto experimental de piscultura de la provincia de Malange Note: We decided not to watermark the photos in order not to upset its clarity. However, we trust you will notify us if you wish to use a picture or more. This is expected and …

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