Category: Aquaculture

This collection of photos includes various farmed species of fin-fish, shell fish, seaweed and others as well as the farming practices carried out in many countries in the world

Fish cleaning at Tanji landing site (Gambia)

Credit: Peter K Mendy (Gambia) The photos are taken at the Tanji landing site and show men who set up this place to be for fish cleaning. Fish gutting and cutting is the common paid service done upon the request of fish buyers.    

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Road transport of fish in Gambia

Credit: Peter K Mendy (Gambia) The photo is taken at Tanji landing site and shows one of fish transportation trucks which are usually hired to transport fish to local markets in Gambia as well as to local fish factories. The truck transport of Gambia fish extends to neighboring countries like Senegal and Guinea Conakry.   …

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Cleaning the beaches of Lake Amatitlan (Guatemala) (in English/Spanish)

Credit: Manuel Cano Alfaro (Guatemala) The photos show the Personnel Division of the Lake Cleaning, Environmental Education and Interagency Relations work together on Coastal Cleanup work. Se fotos mostrar la Personal de la División de Limpieza del Lago Amatitlan, Educación Ambiental y Relaciones Interinstitucionales trabajan conjuntamente en trabajos de Limpieza de Playas.    

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Small-scale aquaculture project in the Democratic Republic of Congo (in French)

This project has been developed by a group of trainees who participated during 2012 in the Warm Water Fish Production training course which is hosted by the Egyptian International Centre for Agriculture (EICA) in partnership with Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). The proposed location of this project is Kaziba village, Sud-Kivu district, Democratic Republic of …

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Production of briquette from water hyacinth in Guatemala

Credit: Manuel Cano Alfaro (Guatemala) This photo shows the utilization of water hyacinth (Eichornia crassipes) as a briquette. The caloric merit of the produced briquette (5048 cal/g) has been found high enough to justify its replacing to firewood. In order to produce this briquette, water hyacinth is milled and compacted under pressure.    

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Use of water hyacinth, Eichornia crassipes as a bio-fence in Lake Amatitlan, Guatemala

Credit: Manuel Cano Alfaro (Guatemala) The three photos show the formation of floating bio-fence (biobardas) in Lake Amatitlan (Guatemala) using water hyacinth, Eichornia crassipes to retain floating solid wastes entering the Lake from the Villalobos River.    

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Grow-out of tilapia in Lake Amatitlán (Guatemala)

Credit: Manuel Cano Alfaro (Guatemala) The photo shows a grow-out tank for tilapia located in Lake Amatitlán, Guatemala. The lake is one of four major lakes in Guatemala. The water supply to tilapia tank is pumped from a depth then pass through a filter of volcanic rocks and geotextile to reduce its ammonia content before …

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Great Egret, Ardea alba (Description – habitats – feeding – reproduction – threats) – Video

Video credit: Manuel Cano Alfaro (Guatemala) Review: Abdel Rahman El Gamal This video was taken at Lake Peten Itzá, Guatemala Introduction: Great Egret, Ardea alba (ex Casmerodius albus) has several common names including common egret, large Egret, White Egret, Large Egret, Great White Egret, and Great American Egret. Description: Great Egret adults are entirely white bird …

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Biological briefing on “Doncella”

Doncella, Pseudoplatystoma is a South American catfish that belongs to the family Pimelodidae. The photo shows one of doncella species; Pseudoplatystoma fasciatum, which is known as “tiger shovelnose catfish”. Doncellas typically inhabit major South American rivers, lakes, flooded forests and other freshwater habitats. These fishes are important as a food fish in addition to the demand they enjoy in aquarium …

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Carp species at the Tiacaque piscicola Center (Jocotitlan, Mexico) in Spanish/English

Credit: Gerardo Ontiveros Lopez (Mexico) Las fotos muestran la captura de carpa plateada en estanque de tipo rústico y la selección de carpas comunes y herbívoras en estanques rústicos en la Centro Piscicola  Tiacaque,  (Jocotitlan, Mexico) ***************** The photos show the earthen ponds in which silver carp, common carp and grass carp are maintained at the …

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