Category: Tilapia

Sexual maturation, embryonic development, hatchery technologies, all-male production, over-wintering, farming systems whether in monoculture, polyculture or integration. The farming facilities are covered including earthen ponds and cages. Because Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) is widely cultured worldwide, large number of posts addressed this species. However, other tilapia species are also addressed. The reproduction and seed production of tilapia are covered including sexual maturation, embryonic development, hatchery technologies, all-male production of tilapia fry are all covered. This category includes also some posts on the post-harvest practices.

Aquaculture development in Richard-Toll (Senegal)

Credit : Makhtar Ndiaye (Senegal)         As part of the promotion program of aquaculture, food security and job creation in Senegal, implemented by the National Directorate of Aquaculture in Senegal. This inserted photo is taken in a private farm located in Richard Toll, whereas more than two tons of tilapia is being produced. Fish …

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Intensive tilapia aquaculture in Morocco

Photos’ credit: Walid Salah El Din (Egypt) Review: Walid Salah El Din and Abdel Rahman El Gamal (Founder of the website)   The inserted photos have been taken in a commercial aquaculture project in Tangier region, Morocco. The area dedicated for fish farming is about 28 hectares, on which tilapia and crayfish are farmed. The farm depends …

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Female fish farmer while managing her farm in Zambia

Credit: Numel  Phiri  (Zambia) Review: Numei Phiri and Abdel Rahman El Gamal (Founder of the website)     The inserted photo is taken in a small-scale fish farm in Zambia. The farm which belongs to a female fish farmer, has a total of 3 ponds; 2 breeding ponds (5mx5m) each and one production pond (20mx25m), the …

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Construction and management of a typical fish farm in Burundi

Photo credit: Nick James (Rivendell Hatchery – South Africa) Review: Nick James and Abdel Rahman El Gamal (Founder of the website)         The inserted picture shows an earthen fish pond under construction which is located near Bujumbura, Burundi. The average size of the pond in this private farm is 0.5 ha while …

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Tilapia aquaculture in Burundi (in French) – Video

Credit: Alain Murekambanze (Burundi)   This video belongs to the “Direction du Centre National de Developpement de l’aquaculture et de la Peche Artisanala”- CNDAPA. The video is mainly on-dike lecture with the facilities of the station in the background and. The video contents reach in full the French speakers. However, being English speaker myself, I was …

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Intensive Aquaculture project for African catfish and tilapia in Congo

Credit: Philippe Bounzeki (bPh Agricole – Congo)                   The photos show an intensive aquaculture project in Congo. In this project, the work started in the hatchery in November 2013 ending in April 2014. This project consists of the following components: – A 70 plastic/fiber hatchery incubators of …

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Projet d’aquaculture intensive pour poisson-chat africain et le tilapia au Congo – In French

Credit: Philippe Bounzeki (bPh Agricole – Congo)                     Les travaux du premier module d’écloserie débutés en novembre 2013 ont pris fin en avril 2014. Ce module dès lors opérationnel est composé essentiellement: – d’une unité larvaire de 70 incubateurs de 50 litres chacun en fibre plastique, …

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Description and management of a fish farm in Bela Vista, Maputo (Mozambique)

Credit: Nick James (Rivendell Hatchery – South Africa)   The photo shows a fish farm located at Bela Vista 42km south of Maputo on Rio Maputo (Mozambique). The farm consists of 26 of flooded half-hectare ponds, while many more are under construction. It took three years since starting the construction and getting into production. The farm …

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Recirculated tunnel tilapia culture in Grahamstown, South Africa

Credit: Nick James (Rivendell Hatchery – South Africa)         This tunnel grow-out tilapia farm is located in Grahamstown, South Africa. Red tilapia (O. mossambicus is the fish grown in this farm). Each greenhouse measures 46×8 meters. There are 20 tanks under the greenhouse of 7000 l each; water depth in the tanks …

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Small-scale cage culture of red tilapia in Perak River, Malaysia

This project has been developed by a group of trainees who participated during 2014 in the “Fish Culture Development” training course” which is hosted by the Egyptian International Centre for Agriculture (EICA). The proposed location of this project is Perak River, Malaysia. The proposed project covers the small-scale cage culture. The rationality of the project …

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