Video description: Peter Hain (USA) and Abdel Rahman El Gamal (Founder of the video channel) I filmed this video during my visit to this facility on 22 January 2015 where I received a warm welcome from Mr. Peter Hain, the manager of the facility who toured me around the facility. This facility is located in …
Tag: water renewal
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Mar 28 2015
Recirculated tunnel tilapia culture in Grahamstown, South Africa
Credit: Nick James (Rivendell Hatchery – South Africa) This tunnel grow-out tilapia farm is located in Grahamstown, South Africa. Red tilapia (O. mossambicus is the fish grown in this farm). Each greenhouse measures 46×8 meters. There are 20 tanks under the greenhouse of 7000 l each; water depth in the tanks …
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Jun 05 2014
Use of air injectors in a marine fish farm in Egypt – Video
This video was filmed in a large marine fish farm in Egypt. during May 2014. The key species in the farm are gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata), European seabass (Dicentrachus labrax) and meagre (Argyrosomus regius). The relationship between the capacity of the air injector and fish biomass has been established by the farm as a 3-hp …
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Feb 26 2012
Production performance of a closed aquaculture system for tilapia in Egypt
Credit for the photos: El-Sadig Arbab Hagar (Sudan), Samuel Simon Zigizo (South Sudan) and David Martin Sykora (Paraguay). Credit for the technical information: Ismael Radwan (project owner, Kafr El Sheikh, Egypt) Photo A-1 shows the whole biological filter for a 240-m3 closed aquaculture project. Photo A-2 shows the plastic rings which are the main substrate …
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Jan 20 2012
Force hatch of fish embryos
This information bite addresses the phenomenon of reluctant hatching of fish embryos. Hatch synchronization is always targeted in order to allow better hatchery management and reduce size differences among hatched larvae or fry. In this situation, force hatch approach could be adopted. This practice works directly on embryo’s hatching glands and its enzymes. Examples of …
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