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Cage farming of tilapia in Lake Victoria (Uganda) – Video

Credit: Alain Murekambanze (Burundi) Source: Because of the declining of fish harvest in Lake Victoria, means for boosting the fish harvest in the lake has been explored.  The adoption of cage fish farming seemed the practical option to adopt. Early in 2012, under the government of Uganda – China Friendship Agriculture Technology Centre, a …

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Cage culture of red tilapia in Colombia

Credit: Ever Edrey Hernandez (Colombia) Cage aquaculture in Colombia produced 23,366 tons in 2010 representing about 34.5% of total Colombian aquaculture in that year (67,679 tons). Tilapia culture – in particular red tilapia- represents about 83% of total tilapia aquaculture in Colombia (cages and ponds). In the same time, tilapia dominates total cage aquaculture as …

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Artificial reproduction of African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) in Burundi

Credit: Alain Murekambanze (Burundi) The photos show most of the artificial spawning of African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) as carried out in Kunagura Ubworozi (Burundi). The typical practices of artificial catfish –whether shown in the photos or not- include the selection of broodstock, administration of the pituitary gland extract, ovulation and egg fertilization, incubation and hatching. If …

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Le séchage du poisson au Burundi (in French)

Credit: Alain Murekambanze (Burundi) Le séchage se fait sur les claies surélevées ou sur les treillis et concerne essentiellement le poisson de petite taille comme Lake Tanganyika sprat (Stolothrissa tanganicae)  et Lake Tanganyika sardine (limnothrissa miodon). Les poissons sont exposés au soleil pendant une durée de 1à 3 jours suivant les conditions climatiques, jusqu’ à ce …

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Fish drying in Burundi

Credit: Alain Murekambanze (Burundi) Drying of fish is done as shown in the photos on raised racks or meshes and relates mainly small fish such as Lake Tanganyika sprat (Stolothrissa tanganicae) and Lake Tanganyika sardine (Limnothrissa miodon). Fish are exposed to the sun for a period of 1 to 3 days depending on weather conditions, until …

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Fish smoking practices in Burundi

Credit: Alain Murekambanze (Burundi) Smoking is a method of preserving a food by smoke exposure. Traditionally, ovens consist of a pit about 30 cm deep, built by craftsmen processing before the smoking process. These traditional smokehouses, permanent or temporary, are often situated within a plot of artisans to enable them, usually women, to conduct jointly …

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Sampling practices of tilapia in earthen ponds (Egypt) – Video

Credit: Alain Murekambanze (Burundi) This video clip was taken in a fish farm located in Kafr El Sheikh, Egypt. The sampling practice highlights the followings: The feed has been used to attract tilapia to the chosen place for sampling. The operation was done very fast When large biomass was caught in the seine, the release …

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Seed production of sea cucumber in Mauritius

Credit: Boodhun Ramcharrun (Mauritius) In addition to the ecological role of sea cucumber in nutrient recycling, there is a growing demand on sea cucumber (known when processed as Bèche-de-mer) in Mauritius whether for food or for medicinal purposes. Starting 2005, the Albion Fisheries Research Centre (AFRC) has launched a program to develop technologies for the …

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Eutrophication of Lake Amatitlan in Guatemala – Video

Credit video: Manuel Cano Alfaro (Guatemala) Review: Abdel Rahman El Gamal This video shows the algal scum on the water surface of Lake Amatitlan in Guatemala. The lake receives great amount of the sewage from Guatemala City through different tributaries turning into a completely eutrophic body of water. The heavy nutrients load as represented in phosphorus and …

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Display of Rubberlip Grunt, Plectorhynchus meditaraneus at Tanji Landing Site (Gambia)

Credit: Peter K Mendy (Gambia) The species shown in this photo are “Rubberlip grunt”, Plectorhynchus meditaraneus  just off loaded from the fishing boats and displayed on the shore in wheelbarrow to be bought by customers. Its local name is “Banda”.    

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