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Características del Lago Titicaca, Perú (in Spanish)

Credit: Oscar  Del Valle  Ayala via Wilder Rodrìguez Arteaga (Peru) This single-slide bite addresses -in Spanish- the characteristics of Lake Titicaca (Peru). The available information includes:  Volume, elevation, depth (average and maximum), length and width. The information is supported by a map and a photo.

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Cultivo Semi-Intensivo de tilapia en Perú (in Spanish)

Credit: Carlos Calderón Deza via: Wilder Rodriguez Arteaga (Peru) En este sistema de producción se utilizan estanques de 0,5 a 3 hectáreas con recambios de agua del 15 al 30% diario de todo el volumen del estanque y se utilizan aireadores, dependiendo del grado de intensidad de siembra del sistema (se utilizan desde 2 HP a …

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Culture of Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus in Nicaragua

Credit: Silvio Rene Picado Ramirez (Nicaragua) The introduction of Nile tilapia into Nicaragua goes back to 1956. However, the contribution of tilapia to aquaculture in Nicaragua was only felt during 1980s till the present. Different levels of intensification are practiced in Nicaragua. The photos show some practices in relation to the farming of tilapia in aquaculture …

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Use of the phototactic behavior (attraction to light) in the collection of fish larvae

This single-slide bite address the utilization of the attraction of fish larvae to light to enable an efficient and safer collection of larvae.

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Culture of blood cockle (Anadara sp.) in Thailand

Credit: Worawut Koedprang (Thailand) Blood cockle contributes by around 27% (82,000 tons) of shell fish production and about 9% of total brackish water aquaculture production. For extensive culture, blood cockle seeds are collected from the wild, but since 1973, spats of Anadara granosa have been imported from Malaysia to overcome the shortage of natural supply …

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Desove y Fecundacion de Conchas de Abanico en Peru (in Spanish)

Credit: Oswaldo Mayta Castellanos via Wilder Rodrìguez Arteaga (Peru) Inducción del Desove: Estimulación Térmica (variaciones escalonadas de temperatura)  Estimulación Química (adición de gametos, adición de peroxido de hidrogeno, irradiación del agua de mar con UV, Serotonina, etc.)   Estimulación Mecánica (manipulación, exposición al aire, adicción de altas cantidades de microalgas, etc.).  

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Night recreational fishing in Hamata (Red Sea) – Video

Video credit: Waleed Masood (Egypt) Review: Abdel Rahman El Gamal The video shows the catch by two members of the sport fishery team while using two different fishing methods; long line and hook and line. Hamata is the most southerly diving resort in Egypt’s Red Sea; situated about 180 km south of Marsa Alam, and …

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Desert aquaculture: Integration of intensive tilapia culture and horticulture crops in Egypt – Video

Credit: Mohamed El Gazzar (Egypt) This project is is located in Mullak Valley, Ismaelia, Egypt. This integrated project has two main components; fish and horticulture. The total acreage of the project is 8 hectares. Fish production component includes four 250-m3 tanks of 130 cm water depth. One of which, is allocated for the production of …

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Sea pens (habitat, description, feeding, reproduction) – Video

This video was taken in Monterey Bay Aquarium (USA) Introduction: Sea pens are colonial invertebrate marine cnidarians which belong to the order “Pennatulacea”. They are named because of their upright feathered appearance that resemblance the old fashioned quill pens. It is believed they occur in shallow and deep waters in tropical and temperate waters worldwide. …

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Comparison of experimentally elaborated food from regionally available products with commercial foods of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) in the Mexican highlands

Credit: Juan Suárez Sánchez (Mexico) Rosario Rivera Meneses, Juan Suárez Sánchez, Luz del Carmen Pérez González, Johannes C. Van der Wal, Hipólito Muñoz Nava and Salvador Morales Moreno, 2013. Comparison of experimentally elaborated food from regionally available products with commercial foods of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) in the Mexican highlands. [gview file=””]    

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