Abdel Rahman El Gamal

Author's posts

Myanmar marine fisheries

Credit: Zaw Zaw Htwe (Myanmar) Myanmar has coastal line of 2823 km and Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) has 486,000 sq km. The continental shelves cover almost 228000 sq miles with abundant resources. Marine fisheries are distinguished into two types. These are Inshore and Offshore fisheries. Inshore fisheries  – Shore line to 5 nautical miles in northern …

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Myanmar inland fisheries

Credit: Zaw Zaw Htwe (Myanmar) Myanmar has four mainly revering system Ayeyarwaddy longest and its tributary Chintwin, Sittaung and Thanlwin river. Inland fisheries are practiced on and along these rivers, in open water and floodplains. The total areas of the inland water bodies are estimated about 8.1 million hectors. Inland fisheries is classified with three position …

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Myanmar fishery overview

Credit: Zaw Zaw Htwe (Myanmar) Fisheries sector plays a very important role in National Economy and also in the diet of the people. Myanmar people prefer to eat fish especially fresh water rather than marine or brackish water fishes. Marine fishes usually come from capture fishery through fishing vessels and various fisheries products implementations are exported. …

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El cultivo de tilapia, Oreochromis sp. en Peru – in Spanish

Credit: David Mendoza Ramirez (Peru) El cultivo se desarrolla en selva alta y en la costa norte aprovechando las represas y recientemente en jaulas, existe tecnología disponible. El nivel de producción es de mayor escala (más de 50 TM/año) y menor escala (2 a 50 TM/año), el principal mercado es el nacional y en una escaza …

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Reef stonefish, Synanceia verrucosa (introduction, distribution, feeding habits, reproduction, commercial value)- video

This video was taken during June 2012 at the Sea World, California, USA Review: Abdel Rahman El Gamal (Founder of the website and video channel) Introduction: The stonefish, Synanceia verrucosa which belongs to the family Synanceiidae is a fish species, which is widely known as the reef stonefish, rockfish or “dornorn”. The average length of most stonefish …

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Reef stonefish, Synanceia verrucosa (camouflage, predators, Poisonous venom) – video

This video was taken during June 2012 at the Sea World, California (USA) Color and camouflage: The common color of stonefish is the mottled greenish to mostly dark brown color. They may have patches of yellow, orange or red color. This type of coloration enhances their ability to camouflage themselves among the rocks or many …

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Water resources used in aquaculture in Gaza (Palestine)

Credit: Masoud Keshta (Palestine) All water used in aquaculture is the same water used in plant production. The underground water is the only water resource used in both systems (plants and fish). Water depth ranges from 70-100 m. Wells are licensed by Palestinian Water Authority who also determines the quantity of water discharges based on agriculture …

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Initial farming of Indian white prawn, Penaeus Indicus in Egypt

Photo credit: Adel Mansour and Hussien Mansour (Egypt)                   Review: Abdel Rahman El Gamal Even though the Initial attempts of shrimp farming in Egypt goes back to about 10 years back, the productivity per unit area was never satisfactory due to variety of reasons. The farmed species is considered among …

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Water resources used in aquaculture in Gaza (Palestine) – in Arabic

Credit: Masoud Keshta (Palestine) جميع المياة المستخدمه فى الاستزراع السمكى هى ذات المياه المستخدمة فى الزراعة النباتية والمياه الجوفية تعتبر المورد المائى والوحيد لكلا النظامين (النباتى والسمكى). يتراوح عمق الآبار بين 70-100 متر. يتم الترخيص للآبار بواسطة سلطة المياه الفلسطينية التى تحدد أيضا كمية الضخ للمياه التى تتوقف حسب مساحة الأرض المزروعة نباتيا Note: We decided not …

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A governmental fish seed farm in Meghalaya (India)

Credit: Nantinora Kharbuli (India) The photo shows a small Governmental Fish seed Farm. It is a small Fish seed farm situated at the heart of the city and lying adjacent to the office of the head quarter of the Fishery Department of the State of Meghalaya. The farm is producing only common carp fish seed. The …

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