Category: Aquaculture

This collection of photos includes various farmed species of fin-fish, shell fish, seaweed and others as well as the farming practices carried out in many countries in the world

Historic information- Herring fishery in London during 1935 and before

Source: The heart of England        by: Ivor Brown       year:1935 The description related to the photos reads: East Anglian chronicles are written, so to speak, in herring-bone. Herring were once currency on those shores; rents were paid in them and international affrays followed the Dutchmen’s pursuit of the shoals into English waters. …

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Recovery plan of the European eel, Anguilla anguilla in the Guadalquivir River basin, Spain

Credit: Glenda Vélez Calabria (Colombia) The photos show a part of the program carried out in the University of Cordoba, Spain. The university program contributes to the EU-funded program on the recovery plan for the European eel in the Guadalquivir River basin. This project component includes two stages which are namely, field trips and determination of …

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Culture of crawfish, Procambarus clarkia in Louisiana, USA

The main farmed crawfish species are red swamp crawfish (Procambarus clarkii) or white river crawfish (Procambarus acutus). The essential elements in crawfish farming include traps and baits. The photo which was taken in a crawfish farm in Louisiana, USA during 1980s show a type of traps which was in use during 1980s. Trapping: Bait trapping is the only harvesting …

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Sampling of subsurface water in fish ponds

This 2-slide bite explains the sampling of subsurface water in a fish pond.The water sampler has been covered and illustrated and so the procedures in obtaining water samples at a specified water depth in an earthen pond. [gview file=””]  

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Historic information: Alaskan seals and fur trade

Source of the photos and some information: The lure of Alaska by Harry A. Franck, 1942. Publisher: J. B. Lippincott Company As stated in the reference, two million pelts were taken the first year after the islands were discovered whereas the price/piece fell to $1. By 1834 only 8,000 skins were taken. Accordingly, Russia stopped …

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Historic fish trapping in Alaska – Fish wheels

Source: The lure of Alaska – Author: Harry A. Franck Publisher: J. B. Lippincott Company       Year: 1942 The fish wheel shown in the photo is a sort of fish trap that was common in Alaska during 1940s and before. These wheels work all night as well as all day long. The wheels are anchored to …

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Historic information on fish marketing in Galway, Ireland before/during 1907

For the description, you are advised to see the PDF file. [gview file=””]

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Rôle des femmes dans culture de ostréi (Crassostrea gasar) au Sénégal – in French

Credit: Lo OumySeck (Senegal) Les photos montrent le rôle des femmes dans l’ostréiculture au Sénégal. Les femmes qui s’investissent dans cette activité. Elles sont entrain de confectionner des guirlandes avec les d’huitres déjà consommées. Elles sont au bord de la route,  sur la partie descendante, cette partie permet de relier les différentes guirlandes en un …

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Culture of rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss in South Korea

Photo credit: Ahmad Yousef alqarain (Jordan)                              Description: Abdel Rahman El Gamal and Ahmad Yousef alqarain (Jordan) Rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) was first introduced from USA into Korea in 1965, whereas its farming started in Pyeongchang due to its cold, and high quality waters …

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Fencing fish ponds in Benin

Credit: Ismael Radwan (Egypt) The photo shows the fencing of fish ponds using nets and bamboo sticks. The purpose is to prevent the entry of unwanted animals especially snakes and birds.  

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