Category: Aquaculture

This collection of photos includes various farmed species of fin-fish, shell fish, seaweed and others as well as the farming practices carried out in many countries in the world

Culture of blood cockle (Anadara sp.) in Thailand

Credit: Worawut Koedprang (Thailand) Blood cockle contributes by around 27% (82,000 tons) of shell fish production and about 9% of total brackish water aquaculture production. For extensive culture, blood cockle seeds are collected from the wild, but since 1973, spats of Anadara granosa have been imported from Malaysia to overcome the shortage of natural supply …

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Cage culture of grouper (Epinephelus sp.) in Thailand (Development and challenges)

Credit for the cage photo: Samart Detsathit (Thailand) Credit for the species photo: Worawut Koedprang (Thailand) Review: Samarat, Worawut and Abdel Rahman El Gamal The culture of grouper in floating net cages is primarily undertaken in in the southern and eastern provinces of Thailand. The main species of cultured groupers are Epinephelus coioides and Epinephelus …

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Desove y Fecundacion de Conchas de Abanico en Peru (in Spanish)

Credit: Oswaldo Mayta Castellanos via Wilder Rodrìguez Arteaga (Peru) Inducción del Desove: Estimulación Térmica (variaciones escalonadas de temperatura)  Estimulación Química (adición de gametos, adición de peroxido de hidrogeno, irradiación del agua de mar con UV, Serotonina, etc.)   Estimulación Mecánica (manipulación, exposición al aire, adicción de altas cantidades de microalgas, etc.).  

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Arapaima (Arapaima gigas) as a promising species for Colombian aquaculture

Photo credit: Jaime Uribe and Lury Garcia (Colombia) Review: Abdel Rahman El Gamal The possible contribution of “arapaima” (Arapaima gigas) is based on its successful farming in some countries especially in Brazil. The farming of arapaima is done as a part of the conservation of the species or for commercial operations. The potential development of …

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Rice-fish culture in Madagascar (development and outlook)

Photo credit: BE Jean Jacques Review: Abdel Rahman El Gamal The integration between rice and fish is an old practice in Madagascar that goes back to around 1900. The practice began with several fish species which are namely common carp (Cyprinus carpio), goldfish (Carassius auratus), and black diamond cichlid (Paratilapia pollen). Recently, tilapia is being …

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Culture of milkfish, Chanos chanos in different environments and systems in the Philippines

Credit: Hannibal M. Chavez (Philippines) According to 2005 statistics, the production of milkfish in brackishwater in the Philippines comprised the largest proportion of milkfish production, followed by fish cage farming in marine waters and finally the culture of the species in pens in freshwater areas. In regard to the productivity of the species per unit …

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Desert aquaculture: Integration of intensive tilapia culture and horticulture crops in Egypt – Video

Credit: Mohamed El Gazzar (Egypt) This project is is located in Mullak Valley, Ismaelia, Egypt. This integrated project has two main components; fish and horticulture. The total acreage of the project is 8 hectares. Fish production component includes four 250-m3 tanks of 130 cm water depth. One of which, is allocated for the production of …

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Fish ponds of Research and Production Center (Pacific University), Colombia

Credit: Eudes Emilio Sanchez (Colombia) This image was taken in the Centro de investigación y produccion acuicola Henry von Prahl “Research and Production Center Aquaculture Henry Von Prahl” of the Pacific University, in the municipality of Buenaventura, Valle del Cauca – Colombia. In the photo one can see a coconut palm and lush greenery around in …

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Farming of blue mussel, Mytilus edulis in Kiel Fjord, Germany

Credit: Yvonne Roessner (Germany) The attached photos are from Germany on the farming of Mytilus edulis (blue mussel) in the Kiel Fjord (Western Baltic Sea, brackish water with approximately 15 PSU salinity). Mussels are grown on longlines (100m long, 7.5m distant from each other, 10 m water depth). On the longlines mussel substrates (collector material during …

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Sea pens (habitat, description, feeding, reproduction) – Video

This video was taken in Monterey Bay Aquarium (USA) Introduction: Sea pens are colonial invertebrate marine cnidarians which belong to the order “Pennatulacea”. They are named because of their upright feathered appearance that resemblance the old fashioned quill pens. It is believed they occur in shallow and deep waters in tropical and temperate waters worldwide. …

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