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Fishing, drying and trade of anchovies in the Sultanate of Oman

Credit: Hussein Ali Mohammed Alshihi (Oman) One of the photos show a group of fishermen who are handling their catch of anchovies which was caught in the sea and then after pulled close to the shore using special gillnets. The caught anchovies are sun-dried and marketed as dried anchovies where the price of the 4-kg dried …

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Culture of Indian white shrimp, Penaeus indicus in Egypt: Grow-out/sampling (5 out of 6) -in Arabic

Credit for the photos and information providing: Sherif Sadek and Mohamed Sabry (ACO)- Egypt Reporting: Abdel Rahman El Gamal   تعبر الصور المرفقة عن إجراء العينات خلال فترة التربية فى أحواض التربية والتى توجد تحديدا فى مزرعة جمبرى تقع فى منطقة المثلث على طريق بورسعيد – دمياط فى مصر. طوال فترة التربية، تؤخذ العينات مرة كل أسبوعين …

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Culture of Indian white shrimp in Egypt: harvesting and post-harvesting (6 out of 6) in Arabic

Credit for the photos and information providing: Sherif Sadek and Mohamed Sabry (ACO)- Egypt Reporting: Abdel Rahman El Gamal   فى حالة ممارسة الحصاد الكامل للجمبرى، فإنه غالبا  ما يتم ذلك فى شهر نوفمبر بفرض أن متوسط الوزن المأمول للجمبرى قد تحقق. ونظرا لأن الجمبرى الهندى الأبيض ليس من أنواع الجمبرى الدافنة، فإن الحصاد يتم عادة فى …

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Culture of Indian white shrimp, Penaeus indicus in Egypt: Harvest and post-harvest (6 out of 6)

Credit for the photos and information providing: Sherif Sadek and Mohamed Sabry (ACO)- Egypt Reporting: Abdel Rahman El Gamal When the full harvest is the scenario adopted, shrimp harvest takes place around November assuming the targeted size has been attained. Because the Indian white shrimp is not a burrowing species, the harvest usually starts early in the …

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Culture of Indian white shrimp, Penaeus indicus in Egypt: Grow-out/sampling (5 out of 6)

Credit for the photos and information providing: Sherif Sadek and Mohamed Sabry (ACO)- Egypt Reporting: Abdel Rahman El Gamal The photos are related to the shrimp sampling during the grow-out in shrimp ponds in this particular shrimp farm located along Port Said-Damietta road, Egypt. Shrimp are sampled biweekly for key purposes including the assessment of growth rate, …

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Culture of Indian white shrimp, Penaeus indicus in Egypt: Grow-out/feeding (4 out of 6)

Credit for the photos and information providing: Sherif Sadek and Mohamed Sabry (ACO)- Egypt Reporting: Abdel Rahman El Gamal Because the specialized shrimp feed is expensive especially when the feed used is imported, efforts are spent to minimize the feed waste caused by overfeeding and in the same time provide the proper quantity of feed for best …

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Clownfish, Amphiprion sp. (Biology – Clownfish and anemone – changing sex) – Video

This video was filmed in Alexandria marine aquarium (National Institute of Oceanography and Fishery), Egypt Clownfish includes a group of species that belongs to the family Pomacentridae. These species whether caught from the wild or bred in captivity make up about 40% of the global marine ornamental trade. They are about 30 known species which …

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Culture of Indian white shrimp in Egypt – Stocking in grow-out ponds (3 out of 6)

Credit for the photos and information providing: Sherif Sadek and Mohamed Sabry (ACO)- Egypt Reporting: Abdel Rahman El Gamal The two photos address the stocking of nursed juveniles of about 1-g and plus of average size into an earthen pond which was prepared and cleared of unwanted fish and crabs. Grow-out ponds are well screened …

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Spotted Scorpionfishes, Scorpaena plumieri (biology – camouflage – venom)

The photos were taken by Glenda Vélez Calabria at in mundo marino and te mostramos lo que pasa en el fondo, Colombia Scientific review: Abdel Rahman El Gamal General: The spotted scorpionfish, Scorpaena plumieri is also known as the pacific spotted scorpionfish, stone scorpionfish, stinging groupers, and spotted stone scorpionfish. The species is used as an aquarium fish and they are also …

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Culture of Indian white shrimp in Egypt: Nursing of post larvae (2 out of 6)

Credit: Sherif Sadek and Mohamed Sabry (ACO), Egypt Reporting: Abdel Rahman El Gamal The post larvae (PL) of the Indian white prawn (Penaeus indicus) upon purchasing from shrimp hatcheries are typically PL-15. Shrimp farms which have nursing facilities such as this farm receive the PL-15 shrimp for nursing in such polyethylene lined facility as shown …

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