Credit: Sherif Sadek and Mohamed Sabry, ACO, Egypt The photos show an important process in the preparation of an earthen pond prior to the stocking of the juveniles of Indian white prawn, Penaeus indicus. In this phase of preparation, chlorine solution of effective strength is applied to water bodies left after draining and to any …
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Mar 15 2014
Production of all-male tilapia using Nile tilapia super males in Guatemala – Video
Note: even though this video is educational video, you are advised to obtain a permission from the site/channel management if you are interested in embedding its link onto your site. Video credit: Manuel Cano Alfaro (Guatemala) Review: Manuel C. Alfaro and Abdel Rahman El Gamal As been established long time ago, the development of tilapia …
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Mar 08 2014
Artisanal fishing boats operating in Bolivia (casco – peque peque)
Source: Credit: Leon Felipe Alviz (Bolivia) The two photos show two common fishing boats operating in Bolivia. The first is non-motorized boats (rawboats) which is called “casco” that means helmet. The boat is made of sandbox evergreen tree “Hura crepitans”, and/or Mara “Swietenia macrophylla” which is known as big-leaf mahogany. This boat operates …
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Mar 07 2014
Night gillnetting in Bolivia
Credit: Leon Felipe Alviz (Bolivia) The photos show the night gill netting in Bolivia. According to fishery regulation, the type of nets as well as its mesh size is determined. Of course this will be related to the target species. Generally, predatory species of greatest commercial value are targeted in night fishing whereas fishing boats …
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Mar 06 2014
Abalone crawling – Video
Source: The specimen shown in this video is Omani abalone, Haliotis mariae. In nature and in situations of abundant algae supply, the adult abalone tends to stay in their location, waiting for their food to of the algae to be drifted to them by water currents. However, if food turns scarce, abalone crawls over …
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Mar 03 2014
Short-nosed unicornfish (Description – habitats – feeding habits – reproduction)- Video
Source: The video was taken in the Sea World, San Diego, USA Review: Abdel Rahman El Gamal (Founder of the website and video channel) General: The short-nosed unicornfish (Naso brevirostris) which belongs to the family Acanthuridae has other names including spotted unicornfish, and brown unicornfish. In general, it is a very peaceful fish whether in the wild …
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Feb 27 2014
Trapping in artisanal fishery in Benin
Credit for the photos: Ismael Radwan (Egypt) The photos show simple fishing gears (traps) which are made of locally available materials. Trapping is a favored fishing practice to artisanal fishermen especially whenever fishery stocks are abundant as well as when the right location for placing the traps is chosen. This is in addition to the …
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Feb 23 2014
Sexing and reproductive habits of abalone with a special emphasis on Omani abalone
Abalones are dioecious (separate male and female sex) as abalones develop their eggs and sperm in gonads located under the soft skin visible between the foot and the shell. There is no sexual dimorphism of the shell structure and so the sexing of abalone cannot be done based on the external differentiation and is only …
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Feb 18 2014
Fish trapping in the Northen lakes in Egypt
The two photos show tapping of fish using wire traps. Fish trapping is used in any of the four northen lakes in Egypt which are namely: Manzala, Burullus, Edku and Maryut. Water shallowness, and the spread of aquatic weeds favor the use of fish traps especially the cost of these traps is very low. Most …
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Feb 17 2014
Enumeration of plankton using Sedgewick-Rafter chamber
This 2-slide information bite addresses the use and specifications of the chamber. The procedures of filling the chamber and so the microscopic examination has been addressed in details.
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