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Carrying fish from fishing boats to the landing sites (Gambia)

Credit: Peter K Mendy (Gambia) The photo shows carrying fish from fishing boats at the Tanji landing site to the shore and trucks. Normally men and women are involved in this task. Fish carriers are usually paid 4-5 fish per trip. It is self- employment.

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Fish Display in the Tanji landing site in Gambia

Credit: Peter K Mendy (Gambia) The two photos show landed fish species of the fishing boats at the Tanji landing site. Displayed fish are placed before customers bargaining price. Two of the photos show displayed bonga (Ethmolosa fimbriata) and sardinella while the third photo shows only bonga which dominates fish catch in Gambia and hence …

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Sun-drying of fish at Tanji landing site, Gambia

Credit: Peter K Mendy (Gambia) The photos show fish sun-drying at Tanji landing site, Gambia. Because of the very warm climate in Gambia especially during the period June-October, and the limited ice supply and cold storage facilities at the fish landing site, landed fish may spoil very fast. Therefore, the sun-drying of fish which are in …

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Fish smoking in Tanji landing site (Gambia)

Credit: Peter K Mendy (Gambia) The photos show the smoking of fish in Tanji landing site. The species which are often smoked include bonga (Ethmolosa fimbriata) 40%, Catfish( Arius Spp) and Baracuda (Spyraena Spp), Shark, polydactylus quadrilis, and sardinella spp. The smoked fish are highly accepted –especially smoked bonga- and widely consumed in the country …

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Gambia artisanal fishery: Tanji landing site

Credit: Peter K Mendy (Gambia) The photos show Tanji fish landing site which is considered the largest and busiest landing site in Gambia. The photos shows fishing boats while off-landing fish. Usually, some boats land with their catches in the morning while others land in the evening.  Once boats land, people from different surrounding villages and …

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Stocking of Nile tilapia fingerlings in Lake Nasser (Egypt) – Video

The video covers different phases of the stocking of tilapia fingerlings in Lake Nasser. The stocked species is Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus. The video shows the broodstock facilities and maintenance in one of the three hatcheries devoted to produce the fingerlings required for the restocking. The nursing of tilapia fry is briefly shown in the …

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Change in the composition of fish catch in Bardawil lagoon (Egypt)

This 2-slide bite presents the change that occurred in the catch of Bardaweel Lagoon over about 20-year period. The over-fishing on the gilt-head seabream (Sparus aurata) has led to severe decline in its population offering the chance to crabs and non-economical shrimp to fill the niche. This short bite is supported by photos and graphs. …

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Lake Timsah fishery (Egypt) – Video

Video credit: Elie Badai (Cameroon) Description: Abdel Rahman El Gamal Lake Timsah is a part of the Suez Canal system which is fed by the Mediterranean and the Red Sea as well as a part of agricultural drainage system. The fishery of Lake Timsah is combined in the fishery statistics with “Bitter Lakes” and Suez …

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Water birds in Lake Qarun – Fayoum (Egypt) – Video

Video credit: Elie Badai (Cameroon) Description: Abdel Rahman El Gamal Lake Qarun (Fayoum) has a special importance as an over-wintering location for water birds. The wetlnad habitat of Lake Qarun supports wide range of water birds. It has been estimated that hosts a total of 205 birds species have been identified mostly migratory. It is …

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Shrimpfish, Aeoliscus strigatus (brief information) – Video

This video was taken in Monterey Bay Aquarium, USA. Review: Abdel Rahman El Gamal (Founder of the website and video channel) Shrimpfish, also called razorfish, are five small species of small, tropical marine fishes in the subfamily Centriscinae of the family Centriscidae. Their name (shrimpfish) derives from their similarity with shrimp while their alternative name “razorfish” is derived from their …

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