Credit: Mohamed El Gazaar (Egypt) The first photo shows tilapia harvest of grow-out tank in a desert fish farm with a production capacity of 120 tons of fish/year. The production practices are intensified in this farm whereas production ranges from 28-32 kg of tilapia/m3 during a 4-month growing season. The underground water of a temperature …
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Mar 08 2012
Sociedad de Producción Rural La Peña de Potrero de Monroy, Hidalgo, México (in Spanish)
Credit: Jorge Valdiviezo (Mexico) Unidad de Producción de trucha localizada a 1,815 msnm, cuenta con 11 estanques de corriente rápida y 4 piletas de alevinaje los cuales en conjunto forman una superficie de producción de 433 m2, en promedio se obtienen 26 toneladas al año. Note: We decided not to watermark the photos in order …
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Mar 06 2012
Fingerling production and grow out of tilapia in Hidalgo, Mexico (in Spanish)
Credit: Jorge Valdiviezo (Mexico) Unidad de producción de crías de tilapia ubicada a una altitud de 1,575 msnm, cuenta con siete piletas, incubadoras y 5 estanques para la engorda bajo un sistema semiintensivo de producción obteniendo en promedio 120 toneladas anuales. Note: We decided not to watermark the photos in order not to upset its …
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Mar 06 2012
Rural carp aquaculture in Hidalgo, Mexico (in Spanish)
Credit: Jorge Valdiviezo (Mexico) Estanques a donde se produce Carpa, en la imagen se aprecia como los productores de zonas rurales utilizan forraje para la alimentación complementaria y así reducir costos de producción Note: We decided not to watermark the photos in order not to upset its clarity. However, we trust you will notify us …
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Mar 05 2012
Desert aquaculture for Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus when integrated with agricultural crops in Egypt- Part 3- water quality management (in Arabic)
Credit: Mohamed El Gazzar (Egypt) الأمداد بالمياه والتهوية والتخلص من الفضلات الصلبة كما هو واضح من الصورة يتم دخول المياه إلى أحواض التسمين بزاوية 45 درجة كما يتم وضع وسيلة التهوية فى نفس الاتجاه مما يؤدى الى دوران المياه وتحريكها فى اتجاه واحد مما يساعد على زيادة الأكسيجين بالحوض والتخلص من المكونات الصلبة. تعمل حركة …
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Mar 05 2012
Desert aquaculture for Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus when integrated with agricultural crops in Egypt Part 2- Construction considerations (in Arabic)
Credit: Mohamed El Gazzar (Egypt) توضح الصورة الأولى نوعين من الأحواض المستخدمة أثناء مرحلة الإنشاء بينما توضح الصورة الثانية القاعدة الخرسانية لأحواض التسمين الدائرية الأحواض المستطيلة (المرحلة الوسطية): تستهدف هذه المرحلة التى تتم فى الأحواض المستطيلة ذات الحجم 150متر مكعب للحوض إنتاج يوافع بمتوسط وزن 50 جرام التى تحتاجها أحواض التسمين. يتم إنشاء هذه الحوائط …
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Mar 01 2012
Trout production unit in Hidalgo, Mexico (in Spanish)
Credit: Jorge Valdiviezo (Mexico) Unidad de Producción localizada a 2,547 msnm, con 11 años de operación en la que cultiva de Trucha a nivel Intensivo en estanques de concreto los cuales en conjunto forman una superficie de producción de 295.8 m2, produciendo en promedio 7 toneladas al año. Note: We decided not to watermark the …
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Mar 01 2012
An artisanal fisherman with his catch at Matoso beach in Migori District, Kenya
Credit: Edwin Muga (Kenya) This photo shows an artisanal fisherman on his sesse canoe with his catch of Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus. The water body shown in the photo is Lake Victoria, the source of the White Nile. In addition to Nile tilapia which is the dominant Tilapine species landed from this water body, there …
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Feb 27 2012
Culture of Nile tilapia in integration with banana in Egypt
The two photos cover the overall integrated aquaculture-horticulture project. In this specific project, horticulture is represented by banana while Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) represents the aquaculture component. Because of water scarcity in Egypt, the surface irrigation of banana farming is not encouraged due to its high water consumption. In order to compromise between the restrictions …
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Feb 26 2012
Production performance of a closed aquaculture system for tilapia in Egypt
Credit for the photos: El-Sadig Arbab Hagar (Sudan), Samuel Simon Zigizo (South Sudan) and David Martin Sykora (Paraguay). Credit for the technical information: Ismael Radwan (project owner, Kafr El Sheikh, Egypt) Photo A-1 shows the whole biological filter for a 240-m3 closed aquaculture project. Photo A-2 shows the plastic rings which are the main substrate …
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