Tag: Nile tilapia

Stocking of Nile tilapia fingerlings in Lake Nasser (Egypt) – Video

The video covers different phases of the stocking of tilapia fingerlings in Lake Nasser. The stocked species is Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus. The video shows the broodstock facilities and maintenance in one of the three hatcheries devoted to produce the fingerlings required for the restocking. The nursing of tilapia fry is briefly shown in the …

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Culture and processing of tilapia in Colombia (in Spanish) – Video

Ownership: FEDEACUA (Colombia) Provided by: Ever Edrey (Colombia) This video addresses the farming and processing of tilapia in Colombia. Two species/strains have been addressed in the video; Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) and red tilapia. However, red tilapia is the focus of this clip. the management of tilapia ponds indicates the intensification level of tilapia farming. …

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Culture of Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus in Nicaragua

Credit: Silvio Rene Picado Ramirez (Nicaragua) The introduction of Nile tilapia into Nicaragua goes back to 1956. However, the contribution of tilapia to aquaculture in Nicaragua was only felt during 1980s till the present. Different levels of intensification are practiced in Nicaragua. The photos show some practices in relation to the farming of tilapia in aquaculture …

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Desert aquaculture: Integration of intensive tilapia culture and horticulture crops in Egypt – Video

Credit: Mohamed El Gazzar (Egypt) This project is is located in Mullak Valley, Ismaelia, Egypt. This integrated project has two main components; fish and horticulture. The total acreage of the project is 8 hectares. Fish production component includes four 250-m3 tanks of 130 cm water depth. One of which, is allocated for the production of …

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Prior-harvest sampling of Nile tilapia (economic sizes and marketing scenarios) in Egypt – Video

The video shows prior-harvest sampling of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). As seen in the seine, sampled tilapia falls in the category of super tilapia that averages or exceeds 400-500 g. Based on household patterns of fish consumption, the super tilapia is not affordable to low and/or medium-income families due to its higher price. This indicates …

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Mubone fish station, Bujumbura Province (Burundi)

Credit: Alain Murekambanze (Burundi) The photo shows the Mubone fish station, Bujumbura Province. The station has a total of 23 ponds and 100 hapas which are installed in one pond and used for the reproduction and nursing of Nile tilapia. The species farmed/searched on the station are Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus and African catfish, Clarias gariepinus. …

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Production unit for the production and nursing of tilapia fry in Fayoum, Egypt

This photo shows a simple unit for the production and nursing of tilapia fry in Egypt. The whole unit is made of locally available materials, whether the structure or the incubators (made of clay pots). The estimated numbers of produced fry of this unit matches the size of the pond.  Ideally, before starting a production …

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Tilapia culture in Gabon

Credit: Charles Ibinga Maganga (Gabon) Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus has been highly recommended for aquaculture in Gabon due to its hardiness, high growth rate, easiness to breed in captivity, and before that the consumer preference. The photos show related issues to tilapia culture including tilapia ponds and harvest.

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Constructing a fish pond on the campus of Kwadaso College of Agriculture, Ghana

Credit: John Francis Ababio (Ghana) The picture shows students constructing a fish pond as part of their practical training. It is not a typical sized pond. This was done just to give the students practical skills in pond construction and for in-school practical lessons. At the moment, hand building fish pond is the common practice in …

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Piscicultura Rural en Panama (in Spanish)

Credit: America B. Garcia (Panama) El sistema de cultivo utilizado es el extensivo donde se utiliza densidades de siembra  entre 1 y  2 peces por metro cuadrado, y el crecimiento de los peces es a base de la   utilización de  sub productos agropecuarios, con una producción  promedio de 1,500-2,000 kg/ha/año. La producción obtenida es dirijida …

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