Category: Gallery

Fishing gears and fishing efforts in Rwanda (English/French)

The photo shows the inspection of fishing net for the evaluation and determination process of optimal fishing effort for aquatic resources in Rwanda.  La photo montre l’inspection du filet de pêche pour le processus d’évaluation et la détermination de l’effort de pêche optimale des ressources aquatiques au Rwanda.  

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Training of fish grassroots fish producers in Rwanda (English/French)

This photo shows a model of an awareness and training of grassroots fish producers grouped in associations operating in a fishing community in Rwanda. Esta foto muestra un modelo de sensibilización y capacitación de los productores pesqueros Grassroot agrupados en asociaciones que operan en una comunidad pesquera en Rwanda.

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Integrated duck-fish culture in Egypt (Video)

  The video shows a model of integration between duck and fish which has been carried out in Kafr El Sheikh, Egypt. The compatibility between ducks and fish has proven effective model of integration that results in maximizing the production and so profits in addition to diversifying the revenue of the farm. Moreover, a significant …

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Research and training facility of the World Fish Center (Abbassa – Egypt) – Video

Video credit: Hussein Ali Mohammed Alshihi (Sultanate of Oman) The video shows the facility of the World Fish Center (Abbassa – Egypt). The outdoor facilities include earthen ponds of different sizes that range from 400-m2 – 2000-m2. The green house area -annexed to the main building- include concrete tanks of various sizes which are used for …

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Typical fish farming complex in Kafr El Sheikh, Egypt (Video)

Video credit: Emmanuel Ohene Marfo (Ghana)           Description: Abdel Rahman El Gamal This short video would still give an idea about fish farms of earthen ponds located in Kafr El Sheikh whereas about 50% of farmed fish in Egypt is produced. Even though the size of ponds vary according to variety of reasons, production ponds generally …

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Fish farming extension in Zambia

Credit: Lumbwe Kalumba (Zambia) The photo shows a type of fisheries extension in which an extension officer is paying an extension visits to a fish farm in a direct contact whereas farmers share their views and express the challenges they are facing throughout the management of their farms. Extension activity is the responsibility of the department …

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Catch assessment survey of fishery in Mweru-Luapula lake, Zambia

Credit: Lumbwe Kalumba (Zambia)                        Review: Lumbwe Kalumba and Abdel Rahman El Gamal The photo shows a fisheries officers while conducting catch assessment survey on Mweru-Luapula Fishery in Luapula Province, Zambia. Lake Mweru is a freshwater lake located in the Luapula valley on the borders of Northern Zambia and the …

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Post-harvest preparation of shrimp ponds (Thailand)

Credit: Worawut Koedprang (Thailand)           Review: Worawut Koedprang and Abdel Rahman El Gamal The photo shows a typical shrimp pond after drainage and harvesting. The sediment piles and scatters on pond bottom. In order to ensure a healthy production cycle, these organic piles should be removed before starting a new crop.  

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Improving the biosecurity measures in shrimp farm using foot bath in Thailand

 Credit: Worawut Koedprang (Thailand)           Review: Worawut Koedprang and Abdel Rahman El Gamal The photo shows a foot bath placed at the entrance of shrimp pond. This simple facility helps to minimize the chances of disease infection/transfer. Potassium permanganate at 10 mg/l or iodophore at 200 mg/l are common disinfectants used in foot …

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Spirulina culture at the National Institute of Sciences and Technologies of the Sea. Monastir, Tunisia.

Spirulina is characterized by its high content of protein in regard to the amino acids as well as the essential fatty-acids. The photo which was taken during 1998 shows the culture of Spirulina as carried out in the research facilities at Monastir, Tunisia. The culture of Spirulina, “Arthrospira platensis” has different purposes that include: Feeding …

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