Category: Photos

Eel culture in Madagascar (in French)

Credit: Hantanirina Rasoamananjara (Madagascar) [gview file=””]    

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Green moray eels, Gymnothorax funebris (Biology, geographic range, and adaptation)

Photo credit: Glenda Vélez Calabria (Colombia)     Technical review: Abdel Rahman El Gamal   This photo was taken in mundo marino and te mostramos lo que pasa en el fondo, Colombia Introduction: The “Green moray eels”, Gymnothorax funebris are also known as “green conger”, “green congo”, “green eel”, and “olive-green moray eel”. They belong to the family Muraenidae. …

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Production and export of Chilean salmon

Photo credit: Gabriel Rubio (Chile)          Information and review: Abdel Rahman El Gamal Production overview: The development of the Chilean salmon farming industry provides a model of by fast growth, high competitiveness and successful industry placing Chile in the second-largest salmon producer and exporter globally (after Norway). The remarkable development of Chilean salmon aquaculture has taken …

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Mealworms, Tenebrio molitor (biology – current uses – potential use in aquaculture)

Photo credit: Gerardo Ontiveros Lopez (Mexico)                                          Description and review: Abdel Rahman El Gamal Introduction: Mealworms are the worm-like larval form of a very dark brown beetle, Tenebrio molitor, a species which belongs to the genus Tenebrio and the family …

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Utilization of earthworms in fish feeding

Photo credit: Gerardo Ontiveros Lopez (Mexico) Review: Abdel Rahman El Gamal (Founder of the website)     Introduction: The lumbricids which are commonly known as earthworms belong to the family Lumbricidae which hosts very many species that are naturalized around the world. Because earthworms could be used as fishing bait, it is also called “angleworm”, also, “night crawler” is …

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Trout grading and feeding in Peru (in Spanish)

Credit: Wilder Rodrìguez Arteaga (Peru) SELECCIÓN: Es la actividad que permite clasificar  grupos de peces formando “Lotes”  desde los más grandes hasta los más pequeños. Las selecciones dependen de los resultados de las biometrías. ALIMENTACIÓN: Consta de 6 raciones al día de alimento balanceado, que a comparación de las zonas altas solo son 2 – 3 veces. Los FCA se …

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Post harvest practices of trout in Peru (in Spanish)

Credit: Wilder Rodrìguez Arteaga (Peru) Una vez alcanzado los pesos de más de los 250gr se inicia las cosechas de la trucha. Se cuenta con el apoyo de la población en cosechas de más de 50 kilos ya sean en las madrugadas o durante el día. Con forme los avances en las producciones se ha ido mejorando …

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Fishery and restocking of Linganamakki reservoir (India)

Photo credit : G. Venkata Raju (India)                         Description and review: Abdel Rahman El Gamal The Linganamakki dam located in the Sagara taluk has a length of 2.4 km and was constructed across the Sharavathi river, western Ghats in 1964 for the purpose of power generation. The water-spread area has provided …

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Intensive monoculture of paddlefish, Polyodon spathula (A video)

Credit: Steve Mims (USA)                      Ownership and source: Kentucky State University (USA) Intensive monoculture is the least sustainable production method available for paddlefish production because this method is highly dependent on the use of pelleted feed, mechanical aeration and chemicals.  However, the largest segment of United States aquaculture is the production of channel catfish (212,000 metric …

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Farming and trade of Chilean mussel, Mytilus chilensis in Chile

Photo credit: Gabriel Rubio Orellana (Chile)          Description and information: Abdel Rahman El Gamal Aquaculture development of Chilean mussel: The production of Chilean mussel, Mytilus chilensis from aquaculture has witnessed a significant increase over the past decade. According to FAO statistics, the quantity of Chilean mussel produced through aquaculture has risen from …

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