Category: Photos

Fish harvesting from earthen ponds in Zambia

Credit: Lumbwe Kalumba (Zambia) The photo shows fish farmers while are harvesting an earthen fish pond. The pond was stocked with Tilapia rendalli. The main cultured species are Oreochromis macrochir, Tilapia rendalli and Oreochromis andersonaii. Note: We decided not to watermark the photos in order not to upset its clarity. However, we trust you will notify us …

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Artisanal fishery – Transporting and trading of fish in a landing site, Gambia River (Gambia)

Credit: Kajally Sarr (Gambia) The people shown in the photo who are going towards that fishing boats are either fish transporters or fish traders who target for variety of fish  species including Bonga, Sardinella eba, Coruma mullet, Sompat, Baracuda, etc. This landing site is in Gambia River which has a direct connection to the Atlantic Ocean. …

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Distribution of armoured catfish, Auchenoglanis occidentalis and research initiative in Zambia

Credit: Lumbwe Kalumba (Zambia) Armoured catfish (Auchenoglanis occidentalis) which is shown in this photo is found in the Congo river basin and Zambezi river basin. Starting this year (2012) specimens of the species were collected from the wild for research purpose in an attempt trying to breed this species in captivity. The research takes place at Fiyongoli Aquacultural …

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Innovative incubators for the eggs of African catfish in Egypt

Photo credit: Grace Charway (Ghana)         Information source: Ismael Radwan (Egypt)       Description: Abdel Rahman El Gamal The two photos show an innovative incubator for the eggs of African catfish (Clarias gariepinus). As shown in one of the two photos, the incubator (about 50×70 cm) is screened from the bottom and for …

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Organic fertilization of a fish pond in Madagascar (in French)

Credit: BE Jean Jacques (Madagascar) Etang piscicole pour l’élevage de Tilapia avec la Compostière au coin de l’étang pour mettre les matières organiques à dégrader afin de fertiliser l’étang. Note: We decided not to watermark the photos in order not to upset its clarity. However, we trust you will notify us if you wish to use a …

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Fish gutting by a woman in Zambia

Credit: Lumbwe Kalumba (Zambia) The picture illustrates post harvest technologies. The woman is gutting the fish which will later be either salted, sun dried or smoked. There are inadequate freezing facilities for fish so people opt to salt, sun dry or smoke. Note: We decided not to watermark the photos in order not to upset its …

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Fish trading before landing in Zambia

Credit: Lumbwe Kalumba (Zambia) This photo which has been taken in Mweru-Luapula Fishers who come to the shore while the traders have gone over to buy fish from them even before it reaches land. A woman trader is shown in the photo. The fishing boats shown in the photo are Dug-out canoes. In general 2-3 fishermen are working on …

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Outlook of milkfish, (Chanos chanos) farming in the Phillipines

Credit: Evelyn C. Ame (Philippines) The present growth rate of  milkfish, Chanos chanos is expected to be maintained. This is due to increasing use of sea cages and sea pens for its culture.  The growing popularity of value added products of milkfish like de-boned and smoked forms and their export potentials will help maintain the current …

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Overview of fishery sector in Myanmar

Credit: Myo Naing Oo (Myanmar) Fishery sector fishery is the most important sector after the agriculture sector. The fishery sector maintains a high per capita consumption of about 43 kg/year according to the statistics of year 2008-2009. The main fishery resource in Myanmar include: Freshwater through: Fish culture Leasable resource Open fisheries Marine fishery through: In-shore fisheries  …

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Culture of freshwater prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii in Myanmar

Credit: Myo Naing Oo (Myanmar) The culture of freshwater prawn of the species  Macrobrachium rosenbergii is well established in Myanmar whether in hatcheries or farms. Hatchery practices start with the collection of females carrying eggs from natural waters and taken into hatchery indoor facilities till hatching takes place. Note: We decided not to watermark the photos in …

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