Category: Aquaculture

This collection of photos includes various farmed species of fin-fish, shell fish, seaweed and others as well as the farming practices carried out in many countries in the world

Crushing teeth of Black carp (Mylopharyngodon piceus)

  The black carp or snail carp, Mylopharyngodon piceus belongs to the family, Cyprinidae. The pharyngeal teeth (throat teeth) are one of the black carp’s distinguishing characteristics as represented in their powerful molar-like crushing teeth that enable them to crush mussel shells. It has been reported that an adult black carp is able to eat …

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Ploidy induction in fish using pressure shock (pressure chamber)

The photo shows a stainless steel pressure chamber which is used –among other methods- to induce ploidy in fish. This chamber is designed to place a pressure on fertilized eggs in a value as read in the meter gauge in “psi” which stands for pounds per square inch. The psi values often range from 6000 …

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Production of natural food in Bandar Emam Research Station, Iran

The two photos show a model of phytoplankton and rotifer production as required for the reproduction of marine fish species. This unit has been placed in Bandar Emam Research Station, Iran. As shown in the photos, each unit of the tanks has two compartments at two levels. The 300-liter upper compartment is used for phytoplankton …

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Historic development of Egyptian aquaculture (locally-made aerators)

The photo shows the first aerator unit introduced into Egyptian aquaculture during late 1990s. This single aerator was designed by the farm owner who is by nature a mechanical engineer whereas the manufacturing of this diesel-operator aerator was done in local workshop. Afterwards, the trade of imported aerators has flourished.

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Production unit for the production and nursing of tilapia fry in Fayoum, Egypt

This photo shows a simple unit for the production and nursing of tilapia fry in Egypt. The whole unit is made of locally available materials, whether the structure or the incubators (made of clay pots). The estimated numbers of produced fry of this unit matches the size of the pond.  Ideally, before starting a production …

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Tilapia culture in Gabon

Credit: Charles Ibinga Maganga (Gabon) Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus has been highly recommended for aquaculture in Gabon due to its hardiness, high growth rate, easiness to breed in captivity, and before that the consumer preference. The photos show related issues to tilapia culture including tilapia ponds and harvest.

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Marine shrimp culture in Iran

Review: Abdel Rahman El Gamal (Founder of the website and video channel) There has been a growing interest in shrimp farming in Iran. During the time these photos were taken (year 2000), the two key farmed shrimp species were: Indian white shrimp,  Penaeus indicus which is believed the best candidate to be farmed in Khouzestan,  …

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Use of stop logs in water inlets and outlets of fish ponds in India (Video)

Video credit: G. Venkata Raju  (India)        Description: Abdel Rahman El Gamal Source: This video shows the stop-logs used in the water management –in particular depth- in fish ponds in India. The same system was introduced from China into Egypt during 1980s before being changed to piping system. As shown in this video, …

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Training of fish grassroots fish producers in Rwanda (English/French)

This photo shows a model of an awareness and training of grassroots fish producers grouped in associations operating in a fishing community in Rwanda. Esta foto muestra un modelo de sensibilización y capacitación de los productores pesqueros Grassroot agrupados en asociaciones que operan en una comunidad pesquera en Rwanda.

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Research and training facility of the World Fish Center (Abbassa – Egypt) – Video

Video credit: Hussein Ali Mohammed Alshihi (Sultanate of Oman) The video shows the facility of the World Fish Center (Abbassa – Egypt). The outdoor facilities include earthen ponds of different sizes that range from 400-m2 – 2000-m2. The green house area -annexed to the main building- include concrete tanks of various sizes which are used for …

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