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Aquaculture promotion and cooperatives support in Rwanda – in French

Credit: Leandre Ndahayo (Rwanda) Afin de promouvoir l’aquaculture et encourager les coopératives, et comme le montre cette photo, les alevins sont stockés dans un étang à poissons de terre. Toutes les alevins proviennent d’une écloserie gouvernementale. L’Etat est responsable de tous les frais liés à alevins de l’écloserie vers les étangs. Note: We decided not to watermark …

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Empowering the role of women in fish related activities in Rwanda – in French

Credit: Leandre Ndahayo (Rwanda) La promotion des femmes dans les activites piscicoles est l’un des objectifs principal du Ministere de l’agriculture et l‘elevage car la femme est considerée comme une bonne gestionaire pour le foyer. Note: We decided not to watermark the photos in order not to upset its clarity. However, we trust you will notify us …

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Enforcing fishery regulations in Rwanda (in French)

Credit: Leandre Ndahayo (Rwanda) Ces photos ont été prises  avant l’ouverture de la peche les pecheurs et les autorités locales et police marine se sont reuni pour un bref rappel sur la lois de la peche dont l’utilisation des filets convenables, l’hygiene, le port de jullet de sauvetage. Note: We decided not to watermark the photos in …

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Farming of meagre “Argyrosomus regius” in Egypt – Video

Credit for the video/information: Sherif Sadek                                            Description: Abdel Rahman El Gamal The video shows some of pond management of “Meagre” (Argyrosomus regius), in Egypt especially feeding and harvesting. There is a growing interest in …

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Applications of squash technique in sex determination in fish

This 2-slide bite presents the squash technique and its use in sex determination in fish. Examples are given such as sex reversal and progeny testing in tilapia. The same is true in situations whereas the sex of juvenile fish of more  species cannot be determined based on fish morphology. The bite also includes the procedures …

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An aquaponic project in Egypt – (Video)

Clip and information: Ashraf Gouda (Egypt)                                                 Description: Abdel Rahman El Gamal The attached file shows the construction and management of the project components. This slide show reflects the operation of the …

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Crocodile populations in Lake Nasser (Egypt)

Photo credit: Glenda Vélez Calabria (Colombia) and David Mendoza Ramirez (Peru) Description: Abdel Rahman El Gamal Crocodiles in Lake Nasser are protected by environmental laws. There are conflicting opinions in regard to lake crocodiles. Fishery stakeholders believe that crocodiles consume large quantities of fish and far important is the potential risk which crocodiles can cause to fishermen …

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Intensive desert farming of marine fish in Egypt – Video

Video and information credit: Sherif Sadek (Egypt)            Description: Abdel Rahman El Gamal Even though the written text is in Arabic, the activities as shown in the video are clear and self-explained. The location of this project is in the desert whereas the underground water is the water source of the …

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Capture fishery practices and regulations in Mauritius

Credit:Emrith Vinesh (Mauritius) The gear used for fishing is known as large net. This net has a maximum length of 500m and made up of square meshes measuring not less than 9 cm when stretched diagonally and when the net is wet (According to the Fisheries and Marine Resources Act) It is prohibited to use the …

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Culture of blue swimming crab, Portunus pelagicus in Thailand

Credit: Proyrat Chaowajaroenpong and Ong-art Kumprasert (Thailand) The culture of blue swimming crab, Portunus pelagicus is carried out in earthen ponds. Appropriate water salinity for the blue swimming crab culture ranges from 20-30 g/l. Crabs are fed trash fish which is usually offered twice/day throughout the growing season that extends to about 6 months.  In the …

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