Abdel Rahman El Gamal

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Tilapia aquaculture in Gaza (Palestine)

Credit: Masoud Keshta (Palestine) One of the photos shows the harvest of red tilapia after about 6 months of growth. Harvested tilapia has an average weight of about 350 g. Red tilapia is very popular in Gaza and enjoy a premium price of about 4-5 US$/kg. The second photo shows Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus when marketed …

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Establishment of metal pools for crop watering and fish culture in Gaza (Palestine)

Credit: Masoud Keshta (Palestine) One of the photos show to the crew who are preparing the base site required for the establishment of the circular metal pools used for watering plan crops and for fish culture. The 100-m3 –pool is lined by durable liners which can last for about 5 years. The photos 3 and 4 …

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Establishment of metal pools for crop watering and fish culture in Gaza (Palestine) – in Arabic

Credit: Masoud Keshta (Palestine) تشير أحدى الصور إلى مجموعة من العمال القائمين بحفر القاعدة لإنشاء برك معدنية دائرية الشكل وبأحجام حوالى 100 متر مكعب والمصنعة من ألواح من الحديد المجلفن والمتعرج والمبطن من الداخل بطبقة من الجلد. يقدر عمر البطانة الجلد بحوالى 5 سنوات. تشير الصورتين الثانية والثالثة إلى تطور مراحل إنشاء البرك والتى بعد الانتهاء …

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Permanent link to this article: https://fishconsult.org/?p=7040

Small-scale subsidized aquaculture projects under the “Development of Aquaculture 1000-pond Scheme” in India

Credit: Nantinora Kharbuli (India) The photos show private aquaculture projects assisted financially by the Department under the Scheme “Development of Aquaculture 1000 pond“  in which the beneficiaries received 75% subsidy and 25%  Bankable loan. It is a back ended subsidy scheme .The farmers are provided with inputs like fish seeds, feeds, equipment, medicines etc. by the …

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Distribution of subsidized fish seeds (India)

Credit: Nantinora Kharbuli (India) This photo shows the distribution of subsidized fish seeds under the Scheme- Marketing and Transport of Fish and Fish Seeds in which the farmers are paying 50%  of the actual costs of fish seeds. The Government has formulated the scheme in order to popularize fish culture in the state and to further …

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Tilapia aquaculture in Gaza (Palestine) – In Arabic

Credit: Masoud Keshta (Palestine) تشير الصورة الأولى لعملية صيد لأسماك البلطى الأحمر بعد فترة من التربية تقدر بحوالى 6 شهور والتى بعدها يصل متوسط الوزن إلى حوالى 350 جرام للسمكة    الواحدة. وهذا النوع من الأسماك مرغوب كثيرا في غزة ويصل متوسط السعر لحوالي 4 – 5 دولار أمريكى للكيلوجرام. تشير الصورة الثانية إلى البلطى النيلى …

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Fishery resources of Umiam Lake, Meghalaya, (India)

Credit: Nantinora Kharbuli (India) This is a small Reservoir in the state of Meghalaya, India . The water area of the reservoir is 500 hectares and its main purpose is to generate electricity. It is situated on the North Eastern part of India and is one of the tourist spots of the state .It is about …

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The introduction of Anchor worm (Lernaea sp.) accompanying introduced common carp (Cyprinus carpio) into Egypt

Anchor worm (Lernaea sp.) is an example of introduced parasites which accompany exotic fish species. In Egypt, Larnaea was not known before the introduction of the broodstock of common carp (Cyprinus carpio). Afterwards, Chines carps (silver carp, bighead carp and grass carp) good also infected. Hatcheries which keep carp broodstock usually carry out the appropriate …

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Permanent link to this article: https://fishconsult.org/?p=6988

Shrimp harvesting from earthen ponds in Thailand

Credit: Worawut Koedprang (Thailand) The two photos show the harvesting process of shrimp in earthen ponds which is carried out typically in shrimp harvesting whereas pond water is drained and shrimp is collected at the outlet out of the pond.  Note: We decided not to watermark the photos in order not to upset its clarity. However, we …

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Permanent link to this article: https://fishconsult.org/?p=6978

Small-scale aquaculture and rural development in Thailand

Credit: Worawut Koedprang (Thailand) The small-scale aquaculture in rural areas has followed the Sufficiency of Economic Philosophy of His Majesty The King Bhumibol. Small fish ponds were constructed in the backyards whereas tilapia or catfish are cultured in integration systems with plant crops. The production out of these farming units goes first to family consumption while …

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