Category: Photos

Cage farming of red Tilapia, Oreochromis sp. In Poechos Reservoir, Peru

Photos’ ownership: Centro Acuicola Huayllampi  (Peru) Credit: Luis Miguel Ayala Carcamo via Wilder Rodriguez Arteaga (Peru) Description: Luis Miguel Ayala Carcamo and Abdel Rahman El Gamal The attached photos show the farming of all-male red tilapia, Oreochromis sp. in Poechos Reservoir, Lancones District, Sullana Province, Peru. The reservoir irrigates about 108,000 ha of agricultual lands. It also serves about one million …

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A model of tilapia farming in Lebanon

Credit: Samir Majdalini (Lebanon) [gview file=””]    

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Chilean sea urchin, Loxechinus albus (Spawning induction- fertilization – larval rearing)

Credit: Rodrigo Rivera González  (Chile) Introduction: The current photos illustrate parts of the artificial spawning of Chilean sea urchin using chemicals based on its effectiveness. There are several physical, chemical and mechanical stimuli which could be used to induce the spawning of sea urchin and the release of gametes. The procedures related to the photos are …

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Chilean sea urchin, Loxechinus albus (Introduction – distribution- feeding habits)

Photo credit:  Rodrigo Rivera González  (Chile)                                                                Review: Abdel Rahman El Gamal Introduction: The Chilean Sea urchins Loxechinus albus (Molina, 1782) is an edible echinoderm animal of …

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Gilthead seabream, Sparus aurata (Distribution – Biology – Aquaculture)

Review: Abdel Rahman El Gamal Introduction: Gilthead seabream, Sparus aurata is called “dorade” in France, “Orata” in Italy, and “tsipoúra” in Greece. The species is generally appreciated by consumers. While the maximum recorded total length of the species was 70 cm and maximum weight about was 17 kg, the common standard length is about 35 …

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Aquariums – MUNDO MARINO (Te mostramos lo que pasa en el fondo), Colombia

Photo credit: Glenda Vélez Calabria (Colombia) Information: translated from the Spanish version could be found on the website: The Marine World Aquarium (el Acuario Mundo Marino) is considered among the largest aquariums in South America. The aquarium is playing a significant role in enhancing visitors’ knowledge, conservation and proper use of marine resources. The …

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Aquariums – Sea World (San Diego – USA)

Sea World’s (San Diego) hosts three aquariums: Namely: Aquarium de la Mer, World of the Sea and Freshwater aquarium. According to the website of the Sea World, the three aquariums hosts are home to numerous number of specimens that belong to hundreds of species including exotic animals from all-over the world. Note: We decided not to watermark …

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Aquariums – Monterey Bay Aquarium (USA)

The Monterey Bay Aquarium, located on the site of a former sardine cannery on Cannery Row on the Pacific Ocean shoreline in Monterey, California, USA. Being the home to more than 350,000 species of marine animals and plants, Monterey Bay Aquarium (MBA) is considered one of the world’s best and largest exhibit aquariums. The largest tank …

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Egyptian aquaculture (historic information – development – practices – productivity)

The significant development of Egyptian aquaculture in the present goes back to 1980s/1990s. Among the major events which took place during the early development was capacity building as represented in a 6-month training course which was conducted on El Zawya fish farm, Kafr El Sheikh Governorate, Egypt in 1980. The 21 participants enrolled in this …

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The culture of Peruvian scallop (Chilean scallop), Argopecten purpuratus in Chile

Credit: Gabriel Salvo Parra (Chile)            Description: Gabriel Salvo Parra and Abdel Rahman El Gamal One of the photos shows the larvae of the Peruvian scallop (also called Chilean Scallop), Argopecten purpuratus while the second photo shows the ready spat scallop. This clam is edible saltwater clam that belongs to the …

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