Category: Photos

Culture of Nile tilapia in integration with banana in Egypt

The two photos cover the overall integrated aquaculture-horticulture project. In this specific project, horticulture is represented by banana while Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) represents the aquaculture component. Because of water scarcity in Egypt, the surface irrigation of banana farming is not encouraged due to its high water consumption. In order to compromise between the restrictions …

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Production performance of a closed aquaculture system for tilapia in Egypt

Credit for the photos: El-Sadig Arbab Hagar (Sudan), Samuel Simon Zigizo (South Sudan) and David Martin Sykora (Paraguay). Credit for the technical information: Ismael Radwan (project owner, Kafr El Sheikh, Egypt) Photo A-1 shows the whole biological filter for a 240-m3 closed aquaculture project. Photo A-2 shows the plastic rings which are the main substrate …

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Bangladesh aquaculture – Sampling of farmed fish

Credit: Mohamed Mahmudun Nabi (Bangladesh) The two photos show the sampling of farmed fish in a fish farm in Bangladesh. Sampling usually is done on monthly basis using simple gears such as cast net.  Sampling is carried out mainly for feed adjustment, and also for field observation on growth performance and health condition. Typically, a random …

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Los Lunas Silvery Minnow Refugium (Fact sheet)

Credit: Douglas Tave (USA) This 2-side page illustrated fact sheet provides brief information on the naturalized refugium (the conservation fish culture component) of the Los Lunas Silvery Minnow Refugium, which is located in New Mexico, USA, and which is operated by the New Mexico Interstate Stream Commission. The facility is designed and operated to produce …

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Bangladesh aquaculture – Fish pond management (Fish feeding)

Credit: Mohamed Mahmudun Nabi (Bangladesh) Fish feeding: The three photos show systems of fish feeding in Bangladesh aquaculture. The main types of fish feeding are represented in  home-made fish feed and commercially manufactured feed. In regard to home-made feed, feed ingredients used include rice bran, wheat bran, mustard oil cake, fish meal etc. One of the pictures shows a …

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Bangladesh aquaculture – Fish pond preparation (liming)

Credit: Mohamed Mahmudun Nabi (Bangladesh) This photo shows the liming of a fish pond in Bangladesh. After the de weeding and repairing the dikes and bottom of the pond, liming is considered the next important work for pond preparation. Farmers usually use calcium carbonate (CaCo3 as solid limestone. Before its use, limestone needs to be sink in …

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Bangladesh aquaculture – Fish pond preparation (Deweeding)

Credit: Mohamed Mahmudun Nabi (Bangladesh) This photo shows the deweeding practice in a fish pond whereas the removal of aquatic floating weeds such as water hyacinth is carried out. Pond owner himself is removing the water hyacinth manually as a part of first step of pond preparation. Note: We decided not to watermark the photos in order not …

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Traditional fishing gears and fish collection utensils in Nepal

Credit: Deepak Bhusal (Nepal) Photo A shows a local fisherman while mending his net and fish collecting traditional utensils.  Photo B shows a fisherman while carrying his traditional fish collecting utensils which is still in use. This utensil which is mounted on fisher’s back is used to keep the captured fish. Note: We decided not …

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Fish Preservation through smoking and sun-drying in Nepal

Credit: Deepak Bhusal (Nepal) Sometime fishermen capture fish in quantities beyond what could be marketed in fresh form. In order to preserve extra fish from spoilage, smoking and sun-drying are the methods practiced whereas fishermen used to smoke fish in the fishing spot. Generally, such methods of preservation apply to high value and big fishes …

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Improved fish processing technology in Chad (in French)

Credit: Abdallah Younous Adoum (Chad) Pour améliorer la qualité, le gout et la durabilité dans la conservation du poisson transformé les paysans ont monté des projets que les bailleurs ont financé pour leur permettre de conserver le produit de pêche aussi longtemps que possible. Note: We decided not to watermark the photos in order not …

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