Category: Aquaculture

This collection of photos includes various farmed species of fin-fish, shell fish, seaweed and others as well as the farming practices carried out in many countries in the world

Culture of ornamental fish in SriLanka

Credit: Ananda Sugathapala (SriLanka) There are 32 ornamental fish farmers in Mahaweli system H whereas a number of farmers perform fish and plant farming. Some farmers are involved in fish breeding and marketing. There are formal (governmental) efforts in farmer training as well as coordinating with investors and other institution such as fish exporters, equipment …

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Fish stocking in water tanks in Mahaweli system, SriLanka

Credit: Ananda Sugathapala (SriLanka) There are 96 water tanks in Mahaweli system whereas about 1200 fishermen operating in these tanks through fisheries societies. In order to support fishery activity in these tanks, the stocking of fish is performed annually whereas several millions of carps and tilapia fingerlings have been introduced in the tanks since launching …

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Artificial reproduction of African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) in Burundi

Credit: Alain Murekambanze (Burundi) The photos show most of the artificial spawning of African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) as carried out in Kunagura Ubworozi (Burundi). The typical practices of artificial catfish –whether shown in the photos or not- include the selection of broodstock, administration of the pituitary gland extract, ovulation and egg fertilization, incubation and hatching. If …

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Management of capture fishery in Rwanda

Credit: Léandre Ndahayo (Rwanda) This photo shows fishery guards while checking the fishing gears (e.g. measuring mesh size) as a direct and effective means in the control and management of capture fishery in Rwanda.    

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Hatchery-produced tilapia Seed in Namibia

Credit: Ndikwetepo Oiva (Namibia) The photos show the facilities of a hatchery in the seed production of tilapia in Namibia.  The earthen ponds shown in the photos are square of 225 m2 surface are (15×15 m).  Hatched fry are stocked in aquariums and then after in plastic tanks which are furnished with a filtration system …

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Cage fish farming in Ghana

Credit: Grace Charway (Ghana) Intensive fish farming is practiced in cages in Ghana whereas fish production from cages dominates aquaculture production amounting about 85% of total aquaculture production in 2011 whereas the number of cages was 1525 covering about 23 hectares.      

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Establishment of a tilapia hatchery at the National Aquaculture Centre, Zomba (Malawi)

Credit: G.H. Mulaleya (Malawi) The photo shows the indoor facility of a fish hatchery which has been established in April 2010 the National Aquaculture Centre (NAC) at Domas, Zomba. The hatchery has been supported with the support from USAID through the Department of Fisheries. The hatchery includes three units which are namely broodstock unit, incubation …

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Fish farmer training and extension service in Malawi

Credit: Davie Itimu (Malawi) The photo shows an extension activity on aquaculture as represented in delivering technical information to fish farmers through videos. There are other extension methods including Farmer-to-farmer exchange of technology, Farmer Associations and cooperatives, and field days.

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Seed production of sea cucumber in Mauritius

Credit: Boodhun Ramcharrun (Mauritius) In addition to the ecological role of sea cucumber in nutrient recycling, there is a growing demand on sea cucumber (known when processed as Bèche-de-mer) in Mauritius whether for food or for medicinal purposes. Starting 2005, the Albion Fisheries Research Centre (AFRC) has launched a program to develop technologies for the …

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Culture of red tilapia in Mauritius

Credit: Boodhun Ramcharrun (Mauritius) Red tilapia was introduced into Mauritius from Malaysia in 1990. In order to promote tilapia farming in Mauritius, all-male red tilapia fingerlings were initially distributed to fish farmers at no cost.    

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