Category: Aquaculture

This collection of photos includes various farmed species of fin-fish, shell fish, seaweed and others as well as the farming practices carried out in many countries in the world

Stocking of Pez Blanco (Petenia splendida) in Lake Petén Itzá (Guatemala)

Credit: Manuel Cano Alfaro (Guatemala) The two photos show the stocking activities to preserve the populations of Petenia splendida in Lake Petén Itzá (Guatemala). The second photo locates the area where fry were liberated in the lake.      

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Promoting aquaculture in Guatemala through technical sessions (El Remate center, Petén)

Credit: Manuel Cano Alfaro (Guatemala) Since 2003, the mission of Taiwan has been working with the government of Guatemala to set up an aquaculture center in the village of El Remate in Petén to help promote Tilapia farming and conserve the endangered “white fish.” The photo shows a part of the facility whereas a technical session …

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Extensive culture of tilapia in the province of Petén (Guatemala)

Credit: Manuel Cano Alfaro (Guatemala) The photos show one of tilapia fish farms which is located in one of the villages that belongs to the province of Petén. The farm adopts an extensive management system. The Fisheries Department (DIPESCA) provides technical assistance to the farm.    

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Feeding of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in floating cages in Chile

Credit: Oscar  Del Valle  Ayala via Wilder Rodrìguez Arteaga (Peru)  One of the photos shows a feed silo located in a central place among fish cages while the second photo shows the transfer of feed to individual cages using compressed air.    

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Amazonía peruana. fondo de pesca (in Spanish)

Credit: Wilder Rodrìguez Arteaga (Peru) Su población tiene la mayor tasa de consumo per cápita de pescado en Perú (~20 kg/año) Más de 200 especies son usadas como fuentes de proteína pero solo ~50 son vendidas en los mercados locales. Las especies más explotadas para la acuicultura incluyen: Piaractus brachipomus “paco” – Prochilodus nigricans “boquichico” …

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Peruvian Amazon: Fishery background

Credit: Wilder Rodrìguez Arteaga (Peru) Fish consumption in Peru as measured in per capita consumption is the highest (~ 20 kg / year). There are over 200 fish species which represent a source of protein. However, only ~ 50 are sold in local markets. The most exploited species for aquaculture include: Piaractus brachipomus “paco”  –  Prochilodus …

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Semi-intensive culture of tilapia in Peru

Credit: Carlos Calderón Deza via: Wilder Rodriguez Arteaga (Peru) In this production system, ponds of acreages from 0.5 to 3 acres are used with water exchange that ranges from 15 to 30% per day of the entire volume of the pond. In this system, aerators are used with aeration intensity that depends on the intensification level (ranges …

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Cultivo Semi-Intensivo de tilapia en Perú (in Spanish)

Credit: Carlos Calderón Deza via: Wilder Rodriguez Arteaga (Peru) En este sistema de producción se utilizan estanques de 0,5 a 3 hectáreas con recambios de agua del 15 al 30% diario de todo el volumen del estanque y se utilizan aireadores, dependiendo del grado de intensidad de siembra del sistema (se utilizan desde 2 HP a …

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Culture of Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus in Nicaragua

Credit: Silvio Rene Picado Ramirez (Nicaragua) The introduction of Nile tilapia into Nicaragua goes back to 1956. However, the contribution of tilapia to aquaculture in Nicaragua was only felt during 1980s till the present. Different levels of intensification are practiced in Nicaragua. The photos show some practices in relation to the farming of tilapia in aquaculture …

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Culture of green mussel, Perna viridis in Thailand

Credit: Worawut Koedprang (Thailand) The green mussel, Perna viridis is the most important species cultured along the coast of Thailand. It contributes around 62% (about 193,000 tons) of shell fish production and around 21% of total brackish water aquaculture production. At present, all seed used in green mussel aquaculture is naturally obtained. Green mussels are cultivated by extending …

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