Category: Aquaculture

This collection of photos includes various farmed species of fin-fish, shell fish, seaweed and others as well as the farming practices carried out in many countries in the world

Culture systems of Peruvian scallop (Argopecten purpuratus) in Peru

Credit: David Mendoza Ramirez (Peru) The culture of Peruvian scallop has developed along the Peruvian coast, mainly systems using suspended (Long Line). Production levels of this species are larger scale (greater than 50 tons/year). The main target market of the scallop is the international market. The main disadvantage of this system lies in its dependence on …

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Aquaculture development in Mali

Credit: Sekou Oumar Coulibaly and   Bamba  Kadidiatou  Soumare (Mali) Aquaculture in Mali is relatively recent and was first practiced in the early 80s. The prolonged drought negatively affected the development of aquaculture and reduced its contribution in the programs for rural and agricultural development. Launching a 3-year Mali/CRSP Project (2007-2010) targeted to promote aquaculture through …

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Contribution of women in aquaculture and capture fishery in Nepal

Credit: Deepak Bhusal (Nepal) The photos and the graph show the active contribution of women in aquaculture and capture fishery in Nepal. However, the contribution level varies among the two sectors. While 60.4% of the work force in capture fishery is credit to women, the contribution of women in aquaculture is reduced to 32.6%.

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Construction of traditional fishing gears in Nepal

Credit: Deepak Bhusal (Nepal) The photos show the construction of traditional fishing gears which are made of locally available materials. The gears shown are trap-type gears.      

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Cage farming of tilapia in Lake Victoria (Uganda) – Video

Credit: Alain Murekambanze (Burundi) Source: Because of the declining of fish harvest in Lake Victoria, means for boosting the fish harvest in the lake has been explored.  The adoption of cage fish farming seemed the practical option to adopt. Early in 2012, under the government of Uganda – China Friendship Agriculture Technology Centre, a …

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Cage culture of red tilapia in Colombia

Credit: Ever Edrey Hernandez (Colombia) Cage aquaculture in Colombia produced 23,366 tons in 2010 representing about 34.5% of total Colombian aquaculture in that year (67,679 tons). Tilapia culture – in particular red tilapia- represents about 83% of total tilapia aquaculture in Colombia (cages and ponds). In the same time, tilapia dominates total cage aquaculture as …

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Establishment of small-scale fish hatcheries in SriLanka

Credit: Ananda Sugathapala (SriLanka) The annual requirement of fish fingerlings for Mahaweli system H is about 2.5 million. The two operating hatcheries target to supply the requirement of fingerlings. The two hatcheries are maintained by two farmer groups at Pahalahalmillewa and meegalewa block. The annual fingerling production of the two hatcheries is about two millions.  

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Stocking of Pacu fingerlings in an earthen pond (Paraguay)

Credit: David Sykora (Paraguay) The photo shows the stocking of “Pacu” juveniles in an earthen pond during the training of students in agricultural school (Paraguay) La foto muestra la media de los menores “Pacu” en un estanque de tierra durante la formación de los estudiantes en la escuela agrícola (Paraguay)  

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Fish farmer training in Paraguay

Credit: David Sykora (Paraguay) The photos show parts of fish farmer training including lectures, field visits and ending by the course certificates.    

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Fish farmer training in SriLanka

Credit: Ananda Sugathapala (SriLanka) The photos show examples of farmer training in a given province in SriLanka. The training aims to improve the production as well as the quality of fish produced through various aquaculture systems. A large number of farmers have been trained on various fish farming technologies including cage fish farming, fish breeding, integrated …

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