Category: A.A. EL GAMAL

Items under ownership of Abdel Rahman El Gamal, PhD

Development and outlook of Egyptian aquaculture (Production – trade – consumption – institutional framework)

This lecture has been delivered during October, 2014 as the preliminary lecture in the Fish Culture Development training course. This course is annually organized by the “Egyptian International Centre for Agriculture – EICA”. The purpose of delivering this lecture is to share the Egyptian experience in aquaculture especially in the light of the remarkable development of …

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Fish Hatchery Management (Reproductive biology – natural reproduction – spawning induction – hatchery operations and management)

This lecture was delivered during October 2014 as a part of Fish Culture Development training course. This course is annually organized by the Egyptian International Centre for Agriculture (EICA). In order to address the management of fish hatchery management, it was necessary to start begin the lecture with the modes of fish reproduction as well …

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Production of YY super male of Nile tilapia (a diagram)

This 1-page diagram describes the production of the YY super male of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). When the YY male is mated with normal females of Nile tilapia, the progeny should be all-males. The mass production of YY males has been described in the diagram. Note: although this diagram can be used independently, the diagram …

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Applications of genetics in aquaculture and fishery (principles – selection and hybridization – sex reversal – advanced breeding technologies)

This lecture was delivered on the 19th of October, 2014 in the Fish Culture Development training course that is annually organized by the Egyptian International Center for Agriculture (EICA). The lecture starts with principles of genetics and breeding focusing on those related to breeding programs. Qualitative and quantitative traits are covered. The effective breeding number …

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Fish Culture Development training course – Egypt (2014)

The technical session of the 75-day “Fish Culture Development” training course started in Cairo on the 9th of October, 2014. This annually organized training course is supported by the Egyptian International Centre for Agriculture (EICA). The participants in the 2014 course are Abu Talukder and Zahangir Alam (Bangladesh), Codyo Bertin Ahokin (Benin), Rory Felix (Bolivia), Ana Maria …

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Principles and protocols of fish icing

This 2-slide information bite address the principles of fish icing and how heat is transferred from fish to ice in relation to surrounding temperatures and other factors. The icing efficiency has been addressed and utilized in the icing protocols having in consideration transport, fish and shrimp types along with other key related factors.

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Crushed ice and ice flakes in cooling fish

This 2-slide bite address a phase of fish post harvest which is cooling. Two forms of this bite were addressed which are namely crushed ice and ice flakes. The physical properties of both types as well as their is covered while focusing more on their cooling efficiency.

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Lake Inle fishery and the livelihood of lake communities (Myanmar)

Credit of the photo & part of the information: Mission report on inland aquaculture and fisheries, Rap publication 2003/18 Technical review: Abdel Rahman El Gamal (Founder of the website) The photo shows a fisherman while transporting small fishing traps to be set across Lake Inle. This freshwater lake is the second largest lake in Myanmar …

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Scallop spat collection

Photo credit: Wilder Rodrìguez Arteaga (Peru) Review: Abdel Rahman El Gamal (Founder of the website) Historically, the collection of scallop spat from the wild has been the most common practice for obtaining young scallops as required for aquaculture operations or stock enhancement programs. No matter how much methods or collection gears vary, the idea behind the process …

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Raft culture of mussels in China

Photo credit: Magd Al-Bawaab (Egypt) Technical review: Abdel Rahman El Gamal (Founder of the website) Historic information: During 1950s, mussel was considered undesirable fouling organisms in China. Several years later and based on research outcomes, the culture of mussel was initiated and gradually expanded and encouraged on a commercial scale and this was in the …

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