Category: Gallery

Export of fresh and frozen octopus from Egypt

The export of octopus represents a significant portion of total fish export from Egypt. The octopus is harvested from the Mediterranean Sea whereas the export is carried by licensed establishments. A portion of the export is done at fresh form while most of exported octopus is at frozen form. The European markets are the key …

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Aerial View of the fish farm “Punta Negra”, Uruguay

Credit: Claudia Turra (Uruguay) This facility is located in Maldonado Department, Uruguay. It´s a company dedicated to the production of Red Claw lobster to gastronomic purposes, ornamental fish like goldfish and Koi carp, and fry production of black catfish (southamerican cathfish), grass carp and Madrecita de agua (Cnesterodon desemmaculatus). The photo shows the earthen ponds …

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Vista aérea de la Granja acuícola “Punta Negra”, Uruguay. (in Spanish)

Credit:Claudia Turra (Uruguay) Esta ubicada en el Departamento de Maldonado, Uruguay. Es una empresa dedicada a la producción de Langostas Pinzas Rojas (Cherax quadricarinatus) con fines gastronómicos, peces ornamentales: goldfish (Carassius auratus), Carpas Koi (Cyprinus carpio), producción de alevinos y juveniles de Bagre Negro (Rhamdia quelen), Carpa herbívora (Ctenopharyngodon idella) y Madrecitas de agua (Cnesterodon …

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Fish display in retail shops in Riyadh (Saudi Arabia)

These photos were taken in Riyadh fish market in March 2012. One of the photos shows a typical retail shop whereas fish displayed are almost marine and marketed as fresh fish. However, tilapia is sold in some shops as demanded more by foreign residents whether from Arab or South East countries. The main marine species …

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Seafood display in the Municipal Market “La Boquera”, Barcelona (Spain)

Credit: Gabriel Salvo (Chile)                             Supplemented text: Abdel Rahman El Gamal These photos were taken in the Municipal market “La Boquera”, Barcelona, Spain The variety of seafood displayed in the two photos indicates the high per capita consumption of seafood in Spain. …

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Traditional Stilt fishing in Sri Lanka

Image credit: D. S. K. Pitigala and Ananda sugathapala (SriLanka)         Text: Abdel Rahman El Gamal Background: the “stilt fishing” or ritipanna is a tradition fishing technique which is practiced especially around the towns of Kathaluwa and Ahangama, Sri Lanka. Historically, stilt fishing in Sri Lanka started after the Second World War when …

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A display of fish in the fish market “Feskekorka”, Gotemburg (Sweden)

Credit: Gabriel Salvo (Chile) This photo was taken in the fish market “Feskekorka”, Gotemburg (Sweden). Fish shown in the display includes salmon, merluza (South Pacific hake) and monkfish. Note:  We decided not to watermark the photos in order not to upset its clarity. However, we trust you will notify us if you wish to use a …

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Displays in fish retail shops in the public market of Santa Marta (Colombia) 3 and 4 – In Spanish/English

Credit: Glenda Vélez Calabria (Colombia) Las fotografías las tomé el 11 de agosto, 2012 a eso de las 6 am en el mercado público de Santa Marta (Colombia). (These photos were taken on 11 August, 2012 in the public market of Santa Marta (Colombia) Las especies de que aparecen en las fotos son: (Species that …

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Displays in fish retail shops in the public market of Santa Marta (Colombia) 1 and 2 – In Spanish/English

Credit: Glenda Vélez Calabria (Colombia) Las fotografías las tomé el 11 de agosto, 2012 a eso de las 6 am en el mercado público de Santa Marta (Colombia). (These photos were taken on 11 August, 2012 in the public market of Santa Marta (Colombia) Las especies de que aparecen en las fotos son: (Species that …

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Fish display in a retail shop in Alexandria (Egypt)

Retail outlets are considered a major channel for fish supply. These outlets vary in size and quality levels depending on the purchasing power of clients served by these shops which could be individually located or clustered in a fish compartment in a bigger market.  Fish on the display in regard to types or size grades …

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