Credit for the photo: Huseyn Ek (Akuakare, Turkey) Review: Abdel Rahman El Gamal (Founder of the website) It is believed that the sonic echoes of the metal tanks may stress dolphins during their holding in open water. This is based on the ability of dolphins to emit variety of sounds and whistles for different purposes while …
Category: Cage farming
This category covers all types of cages whether the small ones that are used in rural development programs or the commercial cages that are used in freshwater or in marine waters. A larger number of species are cultured in such cages depending on the farming environment.
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Sep 24 2014
A 1000-ton seabass off-shore cage farm in Turkey
Credit: Huseyn Ek (Akuakare, Turkey) The cage shown in the photo is a unit of a cage farm suited in Black Sea (Turkey). The water depth at this location is about 50 meters. The cage diameter is 30 meters with a volume of approximately 10,000 m3. Fish biomass of each cage is about 110-130 tons. The …
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Sep 17 2014
Feeding caged bluefin tuna with small fishes – a debatable issue (Video)
Credit for the video: Ahmed Shaheen (Egypt) Review: Abdel Rahman El Gamal (Founder of the website and video channel) Typically, the fattening of bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) is done in sea cages. The tuna is caught by purse seiners in the Mediterranean and the ones that are targeted for fattening are taken to cages in …
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Aug 12 2014
Cage culture of meagre in Spain – Video
Video credit: Ahmed Shaheen (Egypt) Review: Abdel Rahman El Gamal (Founder of the website and video channel) The farming of meagre, Argyrosomus regius in Spain started in 2004 peaking in 2010 whereas its production amounted 3250 tons before declining in 2011 and further declining in 2012 whereas the meagre production amounted 1640 tons. Although meagre …
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Apr 10 2014
Cage farming of bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) in Turkey
Credit: Huseyn Ek (Akuakare, Turkey) The photos are taken in some tuna farms in Turkey whereas the bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) is the species of choice. These cage farms are located in Alanya and Lzmir in Turkey. Tunas required for farming are collected from the nature and stocked in these cage in which they are …
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Nov 01 2012
Cultura de la trucha arco iris (Oncorhynchus mykiss) en el Perú (in Spanish)
Credit: David Mendoza Ramirez (Peru) El cultivo se desarrolla en zonas de sierra empleando lagos, lagunas y ríos en sistemas de jaulas flotantes y raceways respectivamente. El nivel de producción es de menor escala (2 a 50 TM/año) seguido por el de mayor escala (más de 50 TM/año). El principal mercado es el nacional y en …
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Sep 13 2012
Cage farming of rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss in Mexico (in Spanish)
Credit: Juan Suarez Sanchez (Mexico) Esta foto muestra el cultivo de trucha arcoíris (Oncorhynchus mykiss) en jaulas flotantes de 300 m3 de capacidad, en la presa Apizaquito, Tlaxcala, México. Las jaulas son sembradas a razón de 16.7 organismos m3, con alevines de trucha de 5 gramos y 3 centímetros de peso y longitud promedio inicial, respectivamente. …
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Aug 05 2012
Construction of artisanal cages for rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss in Peru (in Spanish)
Credit: Claudio Alvarez (Peru) Construcción de jaulas artesanales para cultivo de truchas arco iris Oncorhynchus mykiss, en la ciudad de Puno, con participación mayoritaria de mujeres campesinas. Note: We decided not to watermark the photos in order not to upset its clarity. However, we trust you will notify us if you wish to use a picture …
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